



1.Re - creation of Dave Scott and James Irwin , Apollo 15, standing on the edge of Hadley Rille, a valley more than a kilometre wide .电影模拟太阳神15号的太空人史葛及欧温,站在哈德利峡谷边缘,这个峡谷寛逾一公里。

2.Apollo 15 was the first of NASA's six missions to feature a long duration stay on the lunar surface.太阳神15号是美国太空总署六次登月任务中逗留在月球表面最久的任务。

3.This isn't a new idea: the US X-15 plane piggybacked on a B-52 bomber and its first fpght predated Apollo 11 by a decade.这并非什么新想法:美国的X-15飞机便是搭乘B-52轰炸机升空的,其首飞比阿波罗11号早了10年。

4.Starting from Apollo 15, astronauts were equipped with rovers to enable them to explore a wider area.由太阳神15号开始,太空人还配备月球车,使太空人可以探测更广阔的区域。

5.Certainly, Dave Scott, of Apollo 15, thought so.当然,阿波罗15号的成员戴夫·斯科特则是这样想的。

6.Many hundreds of kilograms of rock were collected from Nasa missions to the Moon, mainly during the Apollo 15, 16 and 17 missions.在Nassa针对月球的任务中,多达成千千克的岩石标本被收集,主要是在阿波罗15、16和17任务期间。

7.1971 - Apollo Program: Apollo 15 Mission - Launch of Apollo 15.1971的今天,阿波罗计划之阿波罗15号登月:阿波罗15号发射。

8.15: Looking up toward Earth, a boulder and the Moon's horizon in theforeground, at Station 2 of the Apollo 17 landing site.图15:从阿波罗17号着陆地点2号站仰望地球时所拍摄的照片,画面中最醒目位置是一块圆形巨石和月球地平线。

9.The images were taken two weeks ago from 13 to 15 miles above the moon's surface and show the landing sites for Apollo 12, 14 and 17.照片是两个礼拜前在距月球表面13至15英里高度时拍摄的,拍摄到的内容还包括阿波罗12、14以及17号的着陆点。