


美式发音: [ˈmiriəm] 英式发音: [ˈmiriəm]





n.1.in the Bible, a Hebrew prophet, poet, and the sister of Moses

1.杨千嬅 Miranda 米兰达 Miriam 米里亚姆 Miya 米娅 ...

3.米利暗 Miranda 米兰达 Miriam 蜜莉恩 Modesty 摩黛丝提 ...

5.米丽亚姆  角色:米丽亚姆(Miriam)  演员:凯瑟琳-德纳芙(Catherine Deneuve)  影片:《欲望》(The Hunger)(1983)   简介:凯瑟琳-德纳芙 …

6.刘健仪议员刘健仪Miriam)、铁头仁何俊仁、刘江华等议员,寻日应邀上《城市论坛》,就立法会过去一年表现畀分,议员弹高官 …

7.米利亚姆1946年,卡波特凭借短篇小说《米利亚姆》(Miriam)获得了欧·亨利小说奖,成为美国文坛新秀。1948年,他出版了第一部长 …

8.米丽娅姆他和妻子米丽娅姆(Miriam)拥有世界上市值最大的博彩公司拉斯维加斯金沙集团53.2%的股份。去年,《福布斯》(Forbes)估计 …


1.'God will keep my baby son safe, 'she said to her daughter Miriam, who had come with her. 'Stay here and watch what happens. '“上帝会让我的男婴安全的,”她对跟自己一起来的女儿米利暗说,“你呆在这里看看会发生什么事?”

2.Thousands of Miss Miriam said Liang Bing wedding, due to China to see the stars of my colleagues and feepngs tears.千嬅表示在梁炳婚宴上,因见到华星同事而感触落泪。

3.Gerald is an executive at a big insurance company. He meets his wife, Miriam, for dinner after a frustrating day at the office.杰拉尔德是一家大型保险公司的总经理。在办公室度过令人沮丧的一天后,他跟太太米丽亚姆共进晚餐。

4.MRS MIRIAM proprioceptive training professional athletes to rehabiptation of the knee after experimental research has been a good space.MRS本体感觉训练仪对专业运动员膝关节术后康复的实验性研究得到了良好的空间。

5.She spoke so kindly that Miriam felt brave enough to come out of her hiding place and speak to the princess.她说得如此和善,以至于米利暗觉得自己能够勇敢地从藏着的地方走出来和公主说话。

6.And the Lord came down in a pillar of cloud, taking his place at the door of the Tent, and made Aaron and Miriam come before him.耶和华在云柱中降临,站在会幕门口,召亚伦和米利暗,二人就出来了。

7.But Miriam confesses she was bored by Max's company, and does not plan to see him again.但仪坦承她是由最高的公司无聊,不打算再见到他。

8.At once the Lord said to Moses, Aaron and Miriam, "Come out to the Tent of Meeting, all three of you. " So the three of them came out.耶和华忽然对摩西,亚伦,米利暗说:“你们三人都出来到会幕这里。”他们三人就都出来了。

9.After Max sees a picture of Miriam and asks a few questions about her, he agrees to get in touch with her.之后最大的仪看到了图片,并请她的几个问题,他同意在与她接触。

10.For I took you up out of the land of Egypt and made you free from the prison-house; I sent before you Moses, Aaron, and Miriam.我曾将你从埃及地领出来、从作奴仆之家救赎你.我也差遣摩西、亚伦、和米利暗在你前面行。