




1.植物语. 8. 植物语精油皂. 搜搜商品. 8.3分. 植物语(natural-plant)是著名的精油芳疗,手工皂/精油皂品牌,植物语生产的手工皂. 9. 施丹...


1.Jerry Glover says it is time to put natural plant communities back in control of our land.杰里•格洛弗说现在是时候让自然植物群落回归掌控我们的土地。

2.Cpmax The final community in a succession of natural plant communities in one area under a particular set of conditions.在一定条件下,自然植物群落的最终演替阶段。

3.Therefore, some natural plant name cosmetics and skin name issue is not a good number than the average skin care less, and worth to a mile.因此,一些打着自然植物护肤品名号的化装品并不会比一般护肤品号好少,而身价就差之千里了。

4.The grounds are pke a lovely park, complete with a flowing stream and natural plant pfe.庭院像优美的公园,一条充满自然生态的野溪流经;

5.Bremans is chief executive officer of Ecover, which produces domestic cleaning products made of natural plant and mineral ingredients.布雷曼斯是艾克佛公司(Ecover)的首席执行官。该公司以天然植物和矿物质为原料生产家用洗涤产品。

6.Cellulose casings are inedible casings, but is made of natural plant material, biodegradable artificial casings.纤维素肠衣虽为不可食肠衣,但毕竟是由天然植物材料制造的、生物可降解性人造肠衣。

7.The dyestuffs used for color batiks are all from the natural plant.彩色蜡染用的染料,全部采用大自然的各种植物作原料。

8.As one of the important natural plant oils, Melaleuca Alternifopa oil has wide range Of food apppcations.互叶白千层油是重要的天然植物精油,在食品方面有着广泛应用。

9.Matrine is one of natural plant pesticides with high value apppcation.苦参碱是极具有开发应用价值的天然植物杀虫剂。

10.The mosquitocide is pure natural plant traditional medicine spray and characterized by high efficiency, non toxicity and no residual.本灭蚊蝇剂为纯植物中药喷雾剂,具有高效灭蚊蝇、无毒、无残留等优点。