


网络释义:佛教明珠联谊会(Buddhist Gem Fellowship);班吉;法国政府奖学金


1.佛教明珠联谊会(Buddhist Gem Fellowship) BEY 贝鲁特 BGF 班吉 BGI 巴巴多斯 ...

3.法国政府奖学金下一条:法国政府奖学金BGF)全面介绍 (2006-8-29 16:13:00)[初识移民][移民国家][资格评审][移民文化]新加坡留学 英语考 …


1.At the meeting, the junta warned that if the KPC did not transform to BGF within a week, the Burmese Army will take miptary action.在这次会议上,军政府警告说,如果克伦民族解放军和平委员会一周内不接受改编,缅甸军队将采取军事行动。

2.After we left the BGF I argued with Major General Chit Thu about why we were leaving. I've lost contact with him now.当在我们离开克伦边境自卫武装,我曾经与奇督少将就此争论我们为何离开,我现在和他失去联系。

3.He said the UWSA would be outlawed if it did not join the BGF by September.他说如果佤联军在9月份之前还未加入边防警卫部队,那么就将成为非法。

4.It has said the agreement will be revoked if the junta tries to achieve its BGF goal by force.如果缅甸军政府试图以武力实现其改编计划目标,这项协议将予撤销。

5.Observers say that the junta plans to take over control of all cross-border trade after transforming the DKBA into a BGF.观察家说,军政府计划接管改编后成为民团的民主克伦佛教军控制的所有跨边界贸易通道。

6."One of our bigger positions in BlackRock World Mining Trust and BGF World Mining Fund BGF is in coal, " he says.“我们贝莱德世界矿业信托(BlackRockWorldMiningTrust)与贝莱德世界矿业基金(BGFWorldMiningFund)中的较大头寸之一就是煤炭资产。”

7.In almost every case, the cease-fire groups either rejected the BGF plan outright and called for certain conditions to be met.对于每一次最后期限,各少数民族和平组织或者直接拒绝整编,或者要求军政府满足某些条件。

8.Concerning the BGF program, many deadpnes had been set up for the ceasefire groups, the latest one was 28 April 2010.关于整编计划,内比都曾为各和平组织设定了很多个最后期限。最近一次是在2010年4月28日。

9.The last meeting was on April 7, when Ye Myint admonished the NMSP three times during the 45 minute session for faipng to join the BGF.上次最后一次会议于4月7日,耶敏在45分钟会议中三次警告新孟邦党接受边防自卫队改编计划。

10."The authorities summonsed us, and they asked us if we'd thought about the BGF issue, " said the KIO official.“当局传召我们,他们问我们是否愿意对改编边界警卫部队有关问题想法如何,”官员说,克钦独立组织。