


美式发音: [dɪˈpɪkt] 英式发音: [dɪ'pɪkt]



第三人称单数:depicts  现在分词:depicting  过去式:depicted  同义词




1.描绘;描画to show an image of sb/sth in a picture

a painting depicting the Virgin and Child一幅描绘童贞马利亚和圣子耶稣的画

The artist had depicted her lying on a bed.画家画了她躺在床上的画像。

2.描写;描述;刻画to describe sth in words, or give an impression of sth in words or with a picture

The novel depicts French society in the 1930s.这部小说描述了 20 世纪 30 年代的法国社会。

The advertisements depict smoking as glamorous and attractive.这些广告把吸烟描绘得充满刺激和富有吸引力。


v.1.to describe someone or something using words or pictures

1.描述 pictograph n 象形文字 depict v 描述,描绘 placate v 安慰,抚慰 ...

2.描绘 (3) 摹拟[ imitate] (5) 描绘[ depict] (7) 效法[ follow the example of] ...

3.描写 rugged 坚固的 28. depict 描绘 ,描写 29. cartridge 盒式保险丝 30. ...

4.描画 deceive v. 欺骗 depict v. 描画, 描绘 detail n. 细节 ...

5.描写,描述 dentist n 牙科医生 depict vt 描绘;描写,描述 depression n 抑郁,沮丧;不景气,萧条;凹地,凹陷 ...

6.叙述 dependent adj. 依靠的,依赖的 depict v. 描写,叙述 deplete v. 耗尽,倒空 ...

7.刻画 blockbuster 畅销大片 depict 表现,刻画 box office 票房 ...

8.描述,描写 denounce vt. 谴责,声讨;告发 91, depict vt. 描述,描写 92, designate vt. 指出,指示;指定 93, ...


1.The surface diagrams generated by ANFIS did not depict a clear relationship between the inputs and outputs as expected.由ANFIS做出的表面图不能清晰的描绘出投入与产出之间的关系。

2.An Activity diagram must be owned by an Activity and must fully and exclusively depict the semantics of that Activity.一个活动图必须被一个活动所拥有,并且必须全面的和专有的描述该活动的语义学;

3.Due to the pmitation of human beings'brain, language used to depict the objective world is bound to be fuzzy.由于人脑的有限性和客观世界的无限性,用来描绘客观世界的语言就不可避免的产生了模糊。

4.Concept photos depict the idea of digital art designers trying to depver to one may be watching.概念照片里都描绘一个想法,数字艺术设计师想要传达给观看着的一个可能。

5.Hence dance scenes were always presented in the grotto frescos and sculptures trying to depict the nirvana of the Buddhist land.因而在竭力表现佛国极乐美景的洞窟壁画和雕刻中,就少不了乐舞的场面。

6.There are things which one must not attempt to depict; the sun is one of them.有些事是不该试着描绘的,太阳就是其中之一。

7.Instead of painting obese models, he began to depict women with a more slender stature and charming posture.他的画里女性更苗条,迷人。

8.A State Machine diagram must be owned by a State Machine and must fully and exclusively depict the semantics of that State Machine.一个状态机图必须为一个状态机所拥有,并且必须全面的和专有的描述该状态机的语义学。

9.I think, the university is a picture of a blank scroll, waiting for you to use wisdom and hands of discus youth depict belong to oneself.我认为,大学是一幅空白画卷,等着你用智慧和双手描绘属于自己的七彩青春。

10.In this field, uniform beams have previously been used to depict the buffeting motion of the deck in terms of partial derivative equations.在本领域历来是用均匀梁的偏微分方程来描述桥面的抖振运动,有限元法的应用基本上是空白。