


网络释义:触角电位;东亚运动会(East Asian Games);触角电位技术(Electroatennogram)



3.触角电位技术(Electroatennogram) ... gf.piano-forever网址被屏蔽/read.php?tid-1487-page-e- ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于5个网页 昆虫触角电位仪: EAG ...


1.The results showed that, with the concentration of plant volatiles increasing, their EAG responses to plant volatiles became stronger.结果表明,小菜蛾成虫对金腰箭挥发油的触角电位反应强度与挥发油剂量成正比。

2.Hi, I already bought the EAG-700 machine. I have only strung one racket so far, but I really pke it.我已经买了台EAG-700,我至今只穿了一支拍子,但我真是喜欢它。

3.With your cheers of encouragement, athletes have set many EAG new records and the legend is made.在大家的鼓励打气、欢呼喝采声中,各地选手不断刷新东亚运纪录。传奇就是这样创造的!

4.I would pke to take this opportunity to thank Mr Timothy Fok, the Chairman of the 5th EAG Planning Committee.我希望藉此机会向第五届东亚运动会筹备委员会主席霍震霆先生致谢。

5.The EAG relative value tested with citronellal was 75. 65, which was the highest in all of the compositions of essential oil.在精油单成分中,香茅醛对成虫的触角电位反应最大,相对电位值为75.

6.The Fifth EAG is the first international multi-sports event ever held in Hong Kong.第五届东亚运是香港有史以来首次举办的大型国际综合运动会。

7.Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, EAG欧亚反洗钱与反恐融资小组

8.The Eurasian Group on Combating Money and Financing of Terrorism, EAG与欧亚反洗钱反恐融资小组

9.EAG responses of Campoletis chlorideae Uchida to plant volatiles and host pheromone gland compounds棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂对植物挥发物和寄主性信息素腺体化合物的EAG反应