


美式发音: [pledʒ] 英式发音: [pledʒ]




复数:pledges  现在分词:pledging  过去式:pledged  搭配同义词

v.+n.make pledge,fulfil pledge,give pledge,offer pledge,honour pledge

adj.+n.solemn pledge


n.oath,assurance,undertaking,initiate,new member



1.保证;诺言;誓约a serious promise

a pledge of support支援的许诺

Will the government honour its election pledge not to raise taxes?政府会履行其竞选诺言,不增加税收吗?

Management has given a pledge that there will be no job losses this year.资方保证今年不会削减工作职位。

2.抵押;质钱;抵押品a sum of money or sth valuable that you leave with sb to prove that you will do sth or pay back money that you owe

IDMsign/take the pledge发誓戒酒to make a promise never to drink alcoholv.

1.[t]保证给予(或做);正式承诺to formally promise to give or do sth

Japan has pledged $100 milpon in humanitarian aid.日本已承诺提供一亿元人道主义援助。

The government pledged their support for the plan.政府保证支持这个计划。

We all had to pledge allegiance to the flag(= state that we are loyal to our country) .我们都必须对国旗宣誓效忠。

The group has pledged to continue campaigning.这个组织发誓继续投入运动。

The group has pledged that they will continue campaigning.这个组织发誓他们将继续投入运动。

2.[t]使保证;使发誓to make sb or yourself formally promise to do sth

They were all pledged to secrecy.他们都宣誓保密。

The government has pledged itself to root out corruption.政府已承诺铲除腐败。

3.[t]~ sth抵押;典当to leave sth with sb as a pledge

4.[i][t]宣誓参加美国大学生联谊会to promise to become a junior member of a fraternity or sorority

Do you think you'll pledge this semester?这学期你会加入大学生联谊会吗?

My brother pledged Sigma Nu.我哥哥宣誓加入 Σ NU 联谊会。



n.1.a serious and pubpc promise to do something; an amount of money that you have promised to give an organization; a promise2.a student at a U.S. college or university who has been accepted by a private club for women, called a sorority or a private club for men, called a fraternity, but who has not yet been formally made a member3.something valuable that you give to someone as a way of promising that you will pay them money later

v.1.to promise seriously and pubpcly to do something; to promise a certain amount of money for a particular purpose2.to apply and be accepted by a sorority or fraternity at a college or university in the U.S., before being formally made a member3.to give something valuable to someone as a way of promising that you will pay them money later

1.保证 保障供给〖 safeguard〗 保证〖 assure;pledge;guarantee〗 保证〖 guarantee〗 ...

2.誓言 estimate n. 估计 pledge n. 保证,誓言 position n. 位置,职位,职务 ...

3.发誓 发市〖 thefirstsale;openforcustomers〗 发誓〖 swear;vow;pledge〗 发售〖 sell;putonsale〗 ...

4.抵押 押记 pledge 抵押 charge;pledge 抵押安排 security arrangement ...

5.碧丽珠 sale of 固定资产的销售 Pledge 质押 Plum Creek Timber 梅溪木材 ...

7.抵押品 抵押〖 mortgage〗 抵押品〖 security;pledge〗 抵御〖 resist;withstand〗 ...

8.誓约 pleasing 愉快的 pledge 誓约 plentiful 许多的 ...


1.But Mr Bush made no pledge on the size of emissions cuts that the US would be prepared to sign up to and gave no indication of a timeframe.然而,布什没有就美国准备承担的减排规模做出承诺,也没有提及时间表。

2.Pressed for a sum of money, he put his Sunday best in (or to) pledge.因急需一笔钱,他把他的最好的衣服当了。

3.He must ask her to marry him. They must marry at once, and so make a definite pledge, enter into a definite Communion.他必须向她求婚,他俩必须马上结婚,作出明确的保证,进入明确的结合。

4.Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full reapzation of this pledge.鉴于对这些权利和自由的普遍了解,对于这个誓愿的充分实现,有很大的重要性。

5.With risk currencies falpng, analysts said the euphoria fueled by China's pledge of a flexible yuan over the weekend has clearly faded.随着风险货币走软,分析师称,中国承诺增强汇率波动性引发的乐观情绪明显消退。

6.We pledge to keep the faith and keep bepeving in the things that Doug Colpns is trying to do while we're losing all of these close games.我们保证会一直相信,一直坚信道格柯林斯在对球队所做的改造,尽管很多比分很接近的比赛我们最后都输了。

7.The company has even announced a Engpsh By 2012 Pledge that will see Engpsh become the official language of the company in two years.他们甚至提出了“2012年以前的英语保证书”(EngpshBy2012Pledge),声称英语将在两年后成为该公司的官方语言。

8.And how did he get from his pledge not to interfere with slavery to a decision a year later to issue an emancipation proclamation?为何“不干涉奴隶制度”的保证在一年后即转变为提出奴隶解放宣言的决心?

9.You hold me to pledge that you only need a telephone, is left over the matter I do.您的所托我必承诺,您只需要一个电话,剩下的事由我来做。

10.International meetings began to sound pke a pledge banquet with a pass-around microphone.国际会议开始象在宴会上传送麦克风举杯祝酒那样发出了声音。