


英文单词:持久化(Java Persistence API);服务局;公共服务局(Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam)


1.持久化(Java Persistence API)TopLink Essentials 是 Oracle 的 TopLink 产品的开源社区版,它是 JPAJava Persistence API)的参考实现。它是用于创建 …

2.服务局被公务服务局JPA)承认的只有北京、上海、南京三家中医药大学,本地院校没有。被马来西亚资格机构(MQA)承认的中 …

3.公共服务局(Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam)公共服务局JPA)奖学金争议,该局一直强调遴选得主是「依据标准办事」,但却又从来不透露遴选机制和评分标准细节,彷 …


1.JPA entities are Java class representations of a database, and allow you to interact on a disconnected model of the database.JPA实体是一个数据库的Java类的代表,并使您能够与数据库没有链接的模型相交流。

2.Play makes it pretty easy to switch in and out of various datastores, and it supports JPA out of the box.Play使得切换各种数据存储非常轻松,它开箱即用地支持JPA。

3.Implementing JPA-compliant entity managers seems to be the likely direction of these technologies.实现JPA兼容的实体管理器似乎很可能是此类技术的发展方向。

4.You will see a number of errors show up in the Problems view that you can safely ignore until you create your JPA entities.在Problems视图中您将会看到一系列的错误,在创建JPA实体之前您可以一直忽略它。

5.This means that when someone asks for an order, the JPA engine will fetch all the line items that are associated with the order as well.这意味着,当有人请求订单时,JPA引擎还将获取与该订单相关的所有行项目。

6.The class is annotated with an @Entity annotation to indicate to JPA that this class is a mapped entity.类带上了注释@Entity,以向JPA指示该类是一个被映射的实体。

7.A key concept of the JPA is that of a persistence context.JPA的一个重要概念是持久上下文。

8.Frank: One of the initial goals of GraniteDS was to leverage all features of JPA engines, starting with lazy-loading and Hibernate.Frank:GraniteDS最初的一个目标就是利用JPA引擎的所有特性,从延迟加载和Hibernate开始。

9.JPA seems to be the solution that everyone has been looking for. What's your take on it?JPA似乎是每个人都在寻求的解决方案,对此你有什么看法?

10.Not surprisingly, as the persistence unit is no longer defined by Java EE, no such name will be populated by the OSGi JPA runtime.由于持久性单元不再由JavaEE定义,因此这样的名称不会由OSGiJPA运行时填充。
