


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=bovine serum albumin)【生化】牛血清蛋白

英文单词:牛血清白蛋白(bovine serum albumin);商业软件联盟(Business Software Alliance);体表面积(body surface area)


abbr.1.【生化】(=bovine serum albumin)牛血清蛋白2.〈英〉(=Birmingham Small Arms)伯明翰轻武器公司3.(=Boy Scouts of America)美国童子军4.(=Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)农学士1.【生化】(=bovine serum albumin)牛血清蛋白2.〈英〉(=Birmingham Small Arms)伯明翰轻武器公司3.(=Boy Scouts of America)美国童子军4.(=Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)农学士

abbr.1.[Biochemistry](=bovine serum albumin)2.<BrE>(=Birmingham Small Arms)3.(=Boy Scouts of America)4.(=Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)1.[Biochemistry](=bovine serum albumin)2.<BrE>(=Birmingham Small Arms)3.(=Boy Scouts of America)4.(=Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)

1.牛血清白蛋白(bovine serum albumin)牛血清白蛋白(BsA)是血浆中最为丰富的蛋白质,不仅对维持渗透压起重要作用,而且能与进入血液中的大部分内源性和外源性 …

2.商业软件联盟(Business Software Alliance)国商业软件联盟BSA)周二发布报告称,2009年全球软件盗版率为43%,而格鲁吉亚的软件盗版率高达95%,位居全球各国 …

3.牛血清蛋白牛血清蛋白BSA)的荧光素(FITC)标记步骤及注意事项自制PVDF超滤膜截留BSA和胃蛋白酶的截留率为零是怎么回事呢》 …

4.体表面积(body surface area)平均体表面积( BSA) 值2013-5-24 06:12计算体表面积 - 体重:72Kgs 身高:158m 2013-5-24 05:51计算体表面积 - 体重:17.0Kgs …

5.牛血清清蛋白先用牛血清清蛋白BSA)及考马斯亮蓝G-250制作蛋白质标准曲线,再根据标准曲线回归方程计算目的蛋白浓度。2.2蛋白质 …


1.Repair parts that do not require CRT assistance are packaged in the BSA and delivered during the next LOGPAC.维修部件不需要包装显像管援助中的BSA和交付,在未来LOGPAC。

2.The BSA is the largest youth organization in the United States; over one hundred million Americans have been members.BSA是美国最大的青年团体,成员超过100万人。

3.The process of binding coumarin molecule on BSA was a spontaneous molecular interaction procedure in which entropy was increased.结合过程的热力学参数变化表明,上述相互作用过程是一个熵增的自发分子间作用过程。

4.Calculate the minimum molecular weight of BSA (i. e. . assuming there is only one tryptophan residue per protein molecule).计算其最低分子量(即假定每个蛋白质分子中只有一个Trp)

5.In conclusion we wish to offer some academic references for the application of BSA by our introduction and analysis.总之,我们期望通过本文为集群分离分析法的合理使用提供一定的参考。

6.In conclusion, BSA is able to assembly into amyloid fibrils upon incubation.结论:BSA在孵育条件下,能够形成淀粉样纤维。

7.The experimental results obtained by the present study demonstrated the formation of BSA aggregate via intermolecular disulfide bonds.实验结果显示,BSA可以通过分子间二硫键在膜表面形成聚集体。

8.AGEs-BSA significantly inhibited parathyroid hormone secretion in response to the low calcium concentration.产物白蛋白显着抑制甲状旁腺激素分泌的反应低钙浓度。

9.Carnosine also greatly inhibited the formation of lipofuscin-like fluorescence induced by MDA reacted with bovine serum albumin (BSA).肌肽也能够极大地抑制丙二醛与小牛血清白蛋白反应体系中脂褐素样荧光类物质的生成。

10.As the companies are, presumably, dues paying members of the BSA, they are financially supporting the enaction of SOPA.据推测,这些公司都是BSA的会费成员,所以他们会对SOPA的制定以予经济上支持。