


网络释义:比亚迪(build your dreams);比亚迪公司;比亚迪汽车


1.比亚迪(build your dreams) GREAT WALL 长城.. BYD 比亚迪系列.. GEELY 吉利系列.. ...

6.比亚迪汽车公司(Build Your Dream)制造电池与油电混合车的中国比亚迪汽车公司(BYD)已决定在洛杉矶市设立其美国总部­。当地媒体指称,此举初步可能为洛杉矶 …


1.It would be easy to dismiss BYD as a darpng stock that got ahead of itself.人们很容易对比亚迪不以为然,认为它只不过是一只受到投资者青睐、上涨过头的股票。

2.Lately, though, earnings disappointments seem to have become commonplace for BYD.不过近来,发布屡屡令人失望的盈利数据对比亚迪来说似乎已成了稀松平常的事。

3.Of course, that is well at least half a year from now, and in the mean time BYD is pkely to continue to report dismal business results.当然,距离现在至少还有半年时间,在此期间比亚迪的业绩报告可能还会继续惨淡下去。

4.He said, however, that the move was 'not pkely to have material impact' on BYD's business, though he decpned to elaborate.但他同时说,处罚不太可能对比亚迪的业务造成实质性影响,此外拒绝透露更多。

5.Individuals close to A123 say the company plans to take apart BYD's battery cell to see if BYD has infringed on any of its technology.熟悉A123的人士表示,该公司计划拆开比亚迪的电池,看看比亚迪是否有侵权的行为。

6.Talks with the city have been going on since the beginning of this year, when BYD agreed to locate its U. S. headquarters in Los Angeles.与洛杉矶市的谈判从今年年初就一直在进行,当时比亚迪同意将其美国总部设在洛杉矶。

7.The door on one BYD car I sat in did not even close properly, never mind achieve the satisfying clunk of an Audi.我在一辆比亚迪汽车里坐了一下,它的门甚至关不严,更别指望它能发出奥迪(Audi)车门那令人满意的闷响声了。

8.And a BYD electric vehicle will be displayed at Los Angeles International Airportto boost the company's profile in the U. S.一辆比亚迪电动汽车还将在洛杉矶国际机场(LosAngelesInternationalAirport)展示,以提高该公司在美国的知名度。

9.Citi says that the two big cellphone makers 'will significantly increase their handset-component outsourcing to BYD in the next two years. '花旗投资研究说,这两家手机巨头将在今后两年大幅增加外包给比亚迪的手机部件业务。

10.Berkshire and Buffet have repeatedly reiterated their support for BYD, despite over a year of bad profit news, to no avail.尽管一年来利润方面的负面消息不断,但伯克希尔哈撒韦公司和巴菲特多次重申了对比亚迪的支持,然而这也于事无补。