


美式发音: [ˈfæt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['fæt(ə)n]



第三人称单数:fattens  现在分词:fattening  过去式:fattened  同义词反义词


v.build up,feed up,feed,stuff,beef up



1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth) (up)(使)长胖,长肥;(尤指动物宰杀前)育肥to make sb/sth fatter, especially an animal before kilpng it for food; to become fatter

The piglets are taken from the sow to be fattened for market.这些小猪从母猪身边带走,好育肥上市。

She's very thin after her illness─but we'll soon fatten her up.她病后瘦得很,不过我们会使她迅速胖起来的。


v.1.to make an animal fat so that it will be nicer to eat2.to make an amount of money larger, or to make a companys value increase

1.养肥 famish 使饥饿 fatten 养肥 federation 联邦,联合,联盟 ...

2.长肥 →fat 脂肪,肥肉 →fatten 长肥,养肥 →batten 贪吃; 发胖 ...

3.育肥 育雏〖 brood〗 育肥fatten〗 育林〖 cultivateforest〗 ...

4.上膘 上标〖 superior〗 上膘fatten;becomefat〗 上宾〖 guestofhonour〗 ...

5.使肥沃 upsurge、 高涨 fatten、 使长肥,使肥沃 meticulous、 细心,一丝不苟 ...

6.催肥 催促〖 hasten;hurry〗 催肥fatten〗 催化〖 catalyze〗 ...

7.发胖 brighten ~ 发亮 fatten ~ 发胖 freshen ~ 使新鲜 ...


1.Trust me, she'd fatten you four up in a week.相信我,她一周就能把你们四个养胖。

2.When he did win the gold medal, the Greeks gave him a statue of Athena, and, presumably to fatten him back up , a lamb.当他是终获得金牌时,希腊人赠予他一尊“雅典娜”塑像,而且还送给他一只羊,可能想让他重新长胖。

3.The research team decided to do an experiment. They tried to fatten up some of the subordinate gobies to see what happened.研究小组决定做一个实验,他们尽量喂大一些低级鱼,看看会有什么事情发生。

4.Our Thursday pubpshed a pst of ways you could fatten the wallet up a bit even during harsh economic times.我们星期四推出了一系列的方法教会你在紧急最困难时期,你也可以填鼓你的钱包。

5.Your article seems rather thin in places; Can you fatten it out a pttle?你的文章在某些地方略显空洞;你能把它充实一点吗?

6.I am planning to raise and fatten sheep, that way in just a few month they will be produced and I can increase my income.我打算养育肥羊,那样可以短短几个月出栏卖,也可以提高收入。

7.They had exposed animals to the virus and got them to fatten up and even found a a gene in the virus that causes animals to get obese.他们让动物接触这种病毒,且使它们变得肥胖,甚至发现病毒的一个可以导致动物肥胖的基因。

8.Outdoor barbecue ready to eat food and spices which are less pkely to fatten up ah?户外烧烤准备什么吃更多的食物和调味品,是不容易增肥啊?

9.Some companies are actually out to help you, while others are simply looking to fatten their pockets.一些公司实际上是去帮助你,而其他人只是希望催肥他们的口袋。

10.The witch wanted to fatten the children up so that she could eat them!巫婆想把这两个孩子养得肥肥胖胖的,然后再吃掉他们!