




1.锁门 43 get all wet (混身)湿透了 47 lock the door 锁门 48 run down the stairs 跑下楼梯 ...

2.把门锁上 ... ) Lock the Door4. 把门锁上 ) Place a trap on the floor1. 在地上放置一个陷阱 ...

3.将门锁上 ... ) Place Door3. 放置门 ) Lock the Door4. 将门锁上 ...

4.锁门用 邀请是 invite 锁门用 lock the door 花费某人时间应用 It takes sb st to do sth ...

5.锁定门同时又要具备悬挂门(Hang the door)、锁定门(Lock the door)、控制门(Control the door)和保护门(Protect the door)这四项基 …


1.Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.留心北风很猛,关上门和整理风帆。当风从东方吹来,期待更新和设置宴席。

2.In the forest to escape the snow for a very long time to see a wooden hut, did not lock the door, she would go into.在森林里逃跑了很长时间的白雪看到了一个木屋,门没锁,她便走了进去。

3.Bring them water, get the pght, Turn off the TV, lock up the bike, Where's my pillow, say your prayers, Did you lock the door downstairs?我得给他们递水,开灯,关电视,锁好脚踏车,我什么时候才能睡啊。我心里在暗自祈祷,楼下的门有没有锁好?

4.It suddenly occurred to me that I had forgotten to lock the door.我突然想起来我还没有锁门呢。

5.Mum made up a safe place for me to go when he is having a tantrum - I go into her room and lock the door.妈妈让我在Eric发脾气的时候去一个安全的地方---她的卧室,并把房门锁上。

6.You may run out of your house and forget to lock the door once in a while.隔三岔五就会慌慌张张地从家里跑出去忘记锁门吧?

7.At closing time I'd lock the door, and the children and I would wait in the warm shop until their bus finally arrived.到关门的时候,我会锁上门,孩子们和我会在温暖的店里等候,直到他们的车最终到来。

8.The last student to leave the classroom forgot to lock the door.最后一个离开教室的学生忘记锁门了。

9.It suddenly occurred to her that she had forgotten to lock the door.她突然想到她忘记锁门了。

10.He left home in such a hurry that he forgot to turn off the television and lock the door.他如此匆忙的离开家,以至于忘记了关电视和锁门。