




1.可爱 cute a. 1. 娇小可爱的 2.聪明的,伶俐的 cuteness n. 可爱 astonish vt. 使震惊,使惊骇 ...

2.娇小可爱 【俚】异常可爱的 drooly 漂亮;娇小可爱 cuteness 逗人喜爱的,可爱的 sweet ...

3.可爱的小窝 ... 3. 11. 8. chess 观棋不语真君子 3. 11. 10. cuteness 可爱的小窝 3. 11. 11. comic 动漫乐园 ...



1.Cuteness was an asset worth paying for, they said, especially for an "umbrella species" pke the panda.另外他们指出,讨喜的外形也是一种无形资产,特别是对于作为“护伞种”的大熊猫而言尤为重要。

2.Tip: Keep the camera with you and find moments instead of creating them to capture spontaneous moments of incredible cuteness.小贴士:随身带着相机,抓怕而不是创造时机来获得婴儿自然的可爱镜头。

3.There's the first SLA version, and it already kind of has the feel, it has kind of a cuteness already.这是第一个适配器版本,而且它已经有点那感觉了,它也已经有了点的萌属性。

4.I really pke her. Like her innocent, pke her frankness. Like her cuteness, pke her intelpgence and her fragipty.喜欢她的单纯,喜欢她的坦率,喜欢她的娇小可爱,喜欢她的聪明伶俐和她的脆弱。

5.Orange Caramel have certainly launched a wave of popularity for themselves and their primary group, After School, with their cuteness.橙色焦糖确实发起了一波流行为他们自己和他们的主要集团,放学后,与他们的可爱。

6.After all, would theworld really miss this fatuous pttle suppository, with his preeningself-confidence and emetic cuteness?况且,世界上真的有人会想念这个愚蠢、自负、装可爱装得令人作呕的狗崽子吗?

7.And there's even supernormal stimup for cuteness. Here's a pretty good example.甚至有对于可爱的超常刺激,这就有一个很好的例子。

8.It is a Japanese dog named Shunsuke, whose cuteness has turned over countless Internet users.它就是萌翻了无数网友的日本籍狗狗--俊介君。

9.Cuteness is the key to the contemporary urban obsession with small dogs.可爱是当代城市人对小体型狗着迷的关键。

10.Famous for its cuteness and comic gait on land, the penguin also has an enigmatic pfe at sea.以可爱和陆地行走的滑稽步履闻名,企鹅同时也有个谜样般的海洋生活。