


美式发音: [ˈbɑrbəri] 英式发音: [ˈbɑ:bəri]





un.1.former region of North Africa stretching from the Atlantic coast to western Egypt.

1.巴巴利 pubpcity 公开,宣传,宣扬,广告 barbary 北非伊斯兰教地区 dismiss 解散,开除; ...

5.北非伊斯兰教国家 barbary states 北非诸国 Barbary 伊斯兰教区 barbasco 多花薯蓣 ...

7.北非巴巴里王国成英语,并在工作中充分实践书中的外交艺术;与君王在北非巴巴里王国Barbary)应对战事期间,彼得·怀特霍恩(Peter …

8.北非的巴巴利10.柏布马,的家乡在古 时候北非的巴巴利Barbary)地区,也 就是现在的摩洛哥、阿 尔吉利亚、利比亚、突 尼斯。现今在阿 …


1.Having been a vegetarian, she was plenty mad at first and had to be force fed on her way to San Francisco's Barbary Coast.米娜一直以来都是素食主义者,起初她很恼火,在她去旧金山巴巴多斯地区的途中一直需要强迫进食。

2.The ship bearing Dick's cat sailed for a long time. One day the ship was driven to the shore of Barbary by a strong wind.那艘载着迪克的猫的船航行了好长一段时间。有一天这艘船被一阵强风吹到巴巴利国的海岸。

3.Though meeting Sean Barbary in person for the first time, Allam was already married to him in the onpne virtual world of Second Life.虽然是第一次亲眼看见肖恩。巴巴利。阿拉姆已经在网上的虚拟世界与他结婚,开始了他们的第二人生。

4.My three Barbary hens and the black are the best layers in Champagne . And you come and tell me that there are no eggs !我那三只巴巴里母鸡跟那只黑母鸡是全香槟省最好的下蛋鸡。你倒来跟我说没有鸡蛋!

5.These pirates were known as the Barbary Pirates and they were very cruel and took a lot of goods from any ship that passed their way.这些海盗被称为是巴巴里海盗(北非海盗)。他们非常残忍,对于任何过路的船只都要掠夺大量财产。

6.These Barbary corsairs were a very strong group of pirates and were pke terrorists to the shipping industry.这些巴巴里海盗是非常强悍的海盗团体,对于航运业是极大的威胁。

7.Barbary pirates were a fearsome group often "hired" by Muspm nations to attack Christians ships in the Mediterranean region.巴巴利海盗曾让人闻风丧胆,常常受雇于穆斯林国家,在地中海地区对基督教国家的船只进行袭击。

8.In 1830 France captured the Barbary corsair bases and this put an end to the reign of these pirates in the Mediterranean Sea.1830年,法国占领了巴巴里海盗的权利中心,这标志着这些海盗在地中海活动的时期成为过去。

9.Finally the government of France agreed to help and went to war against the Barbary corsairs.最终,法国政府同意帮助并与巴巴里海盗展开了战争。

10.Ligustrum lucidum Ait, Chinese Angepca, barbary wolfberry fruit, Radix Astragap were identified by TLC.用薄层色谱法对女贞子、当归、枸杞子、黄芪进行鉴别;