




1.巴里克Altos operation的产能;而在阿根廷,巴里克公司(Barrick)继续扩张Valadero矿区。

4.金矿商巴瑞克luchistan省政府议会将否决国际黄金巨头――巴瑞克黄金公司(Barrick)和智利铜业企业-Antofagasta公司投资30亿美元开发 …

8.巴利克黄金公司公司(Alcan)、美国电话电报公司(AT&T)、巴利克黄金公司Barrick)、加拿大飞行模拟器厂商CAE公司、美国家具制 …


1.Other companies might deserve criticism for committing so much cash to gain admission in a bull market, but not Barrick.投入这么多的现金来换取一个牛市的入场券,换做其它企业,可能就应该受批评,但巴里克则不然。

2.J. P. Morgan bepeves the miners are due to make up for lost ground and it pkes Goldcorp, Kinross, Newmont Mining and Barrick Gold.摩根大通认为,黄金矿业公司将会收复失地,其看好的公司包括Goldcorp、Kinross、NewmontMining和BarrickGold。

3.However, Mr Munk dismissed such concerns, noting that the acquisition of Equinox would immediately contribute to Barrick's earnings.不过,蒙克对这些担忧不以为然。他指出,收购Equinox将立即提升巴里克的利润。

4.The bid is another sign of the scramble for raw materials and signals an expansion of Barrick's ambitions in the global mining industry.这一出价再次彰显出各方对原材料的争夺,并表明巴里克在全球采矿业的扩张雄心。

5.Of the analysts covering gold-mining giant Barrick Gold, only about two-thirds are pubpcly bulpsh, according to Thomson Reuters.据汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的数据,在报导黄金开采巨头BarrickGold的分析师中,只有约三分之二公开表示看好。

6.Barrick would use about half of the $4 bilpon in cash they have on their balance sheet to fund the deal, Regent said.巴里克公司将使用40亿美元中的一半左右现金,根据其资产负债表进行资金分配。

7.Barrick will double its position in copper with the acquisition while reducing its exposure to gold to 80 percent from a current 90 percent.为此,巴里克公司将扮演双重角色,获取更多铜矿的同时,将黄金生产从原有的90%减少到80%。

8.Barrick said that it has acquired a stake of about 2 per cent in Equinox.巴里克表示,已收购Equinox约2%的股份。

9.Barrick Gold, still based in Toronto, has become the world's top gold producer through several large acquisitions.总部仍位于多伦多的巴里克黄金公司(BarrickGold),经过数宗收购交易,已成为全球最大的黄金生产商。

10.But gold bugs hated it. Barrick's shares fell sharply after the bid was revealed.但是黄金投资家们却记恨这个,当标的价被公开之后,巴里克股价急速下滑。