




1.雅汶战役(Luke Skywalker)身边。自从雅汶战争Battle of Yavin)前和卢克在塔图茵(Tatooine)相遇以后,阿图就成为了天行者 …


1.Two years prior to the Battle of Yavin, Emperor Palpatine created a new flag rank for the Imperial Navy: the rank of Grand Admiral.在发生雅汶之战的两年之前,帕尔帕丁皇帝为帝国海军创立了新的将官阶级:海军元帅阶级。

2.About three years after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alpance was in need of money and capital to supply their base on Hoth.雅汶战役以后大约三年,反抗联盟需要金钱和资本来供给他们在霍斯的基地。

3.Years after the Battle of Yavin, enough TIE Advanced fighters had been produced to end up on the open market.雅文战役几年后,足够多的TIE高级战斗机被生产出来,最后进入公开市场。

4.Red Leader, who was known to some as Dave, had a chance at destroying the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin.红色领队——有的人称他为戴夫——在雅文战役中有一个摧毁死星的机会。

5.Leia attended an important Conference of Uncommitted Worlds on the planet Kabal after the Battle of Yavin.雅文战役后,莱娅前往卡巴尔星球,参加重大的“中立星球会议”。

6.This vessel led the Imperial Death Squadron after the Battle of Yavin.雅文战役后,这艘飞船指挥着帝国的死亡分舰队。