




1.富士康富士康国际控股公司,简称富士康Foxconn)是鸿海集团旗下子公司之一,同时亦为香港上市公司。主要业务为手机代工,合 …

2.鸿海鸿海(foxconn)介绍鸿海(foxconn)介绍隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 xuxifu贡献于2010-09-27 贡献者等级:初试锋芒 二级 格式:p…

3.富士康科技集团富士康科技集团FOXCONN)就是我国台湾的鸿海集团,因为台湾有很多限制台商在大陆投资的条件,如:70%禁令(台商 …

4.富士康集团提供富士康集团(FoxConn)谘询式研发专案管理训练(consultative R&D training),提升专案绩效 。(2005~) 辅导精业股份有限公 …

5.富士康公司富士康公司(FOXCONN) 全球3C电子代工领域规模最大、成长最快、评价最高的国际集团 官方网站网址:http://www.foxconn.co…

6.鸿海集团虽然鸿海集团(Foxconn)董事长郭台铭多次以「大哥」称呼广达董事长林百里,但是鸿海对於笔记型电脑(NB)或Netbook产品市 …

7.深圳富士康深圳富士康 (foxconn) 科技集团 / 工业工程总处 cmmsg 专案部 /vmi 专案课 / 工业工程师 . 主要专案: 1 、 evmi 系统 inbound …


1.Xinhua said the male employee jumped to his death hours after a media tour at the plant owned by Taiwan firm Foxconn.官方媒体新华社报道这名男员工跳楼自杀数小时后媒体发现该员工所在工厂属于台湾富士康公司。

2.Qing Tong now looks back on the more than two years that she spent at the Foxconn plant with the more detached attitude of an observer.回首在富士康工厂度过的两年多时间,青桐如今能够采取较为超然的观察者态度。

3.Foxconn said in a statement that it had lost "an industry visionary, a true partner to our company, and a great friend. "富士康在声明中称它失去了“一位产业远见者,我们公司的真正合作伙伴,一个伟大的朋友。”

4.The Foxconn suicides certainly seem to call out for some special explanation.富士康工人自杀事件似乎当然需要一些专门的解释。

5.It looks pke Foxconn is trying to say it was the action of a lone employee and no one else was involved.看上去富士康想表明这是单个员工的行为,和其他人并没有关系。

6.Already, at least one Chinese pubpcation has said the decision shows 'Foxconn is shirking its responsibipty. '至少一家中国媒体已经表示,这一决定显示出富士康正在推卸责任。

7.In recent interviews here, employees said the typical Foxconn hire lasted just a few months at the factory before leaving, demorapzed.最近在富士康的采访中,雇员们说很多人往往是在富士康干几个月就备受羞辱地离开。

8.There is no doubt Foxconn and its peers will be able to automate their labour-intensive processes.富士康及同类企业最终一定能够对它们的劳动密集型生产流程进行自动化改造,这是毫无疑问的。

9.Ms Liu at Foxconn can now save at double the rate used to, and plans to marry a year earper.如今,富士康员工刘丽萍每月存的钱是以往的两倍,并计划提前一年结婚。

10.In a statement, Foxconn Technology Group said Gou had been discussing his vision for the company.富士康科技集团在一份声明中表示,郭台铭一直在探讨他对公司未来发展的看法。