




1.全心投入www.moneydj网址被屏蔽 3.with single-hearted devotion鼓 …

2.涉及到 ... 33.do research into 对…做调查研究 34.be involved 涉及到 35.forest management 森林管 …

3.有牵扯到 ... RTC 报警,实时时钟报错。 7.get involved=be involved 有牵扯到,有瓜葛,有关系的意思. hostnam…

4.牵扯涉入有关的 ... regardless of 不管 get/be involved 牵扯涉入有关的 deportation/to expel/to repatriate 驱逐出境 ...

5.有对象了 ... pass the way 过逝 be involved 有对象了 prop 道具 ...

6.在起作用 ... timely,targeted and temporary: 及时性,针对性和临时性 …be involved:… 在起作用 inject…into: 注入… ...


1.Anyone who has had the misfortune to be involved in a debate with any of these people will have noticed that they are impervious to facts.任何已不幸被卷入这场和他们进行争论的人都已发现他们对事实无动于衷。

2.It was unclear Monday whether just the jewelry retailer or other arms of the company would be involved.截至周一,还不清楚明年上市的仅为这家珠宝零售商,还是包括周大福企业有限公司的其它子公司。

3.Obviously I want to be involved in every minute of every game, but I understand Diego Cavaperi deserves a chance as well.显然我希望打满每场比赛的每一分钟,不过我理解应当给迭戈·卡瓦里埃里一些机会。

4.It was great for me to be involved again, especially with there being so many young lads out on the trip to Switzerland.对我来说再次参加比赛实在太棒了,何况这里还有很多小伙子随队走访瑞士。

5.He's got to be involved with the Tapban. How much, no one knows.他是这一片的地头蛇,他与塔利班肯定有勾搭,至于走得有多近,这没人知道。

6.In humans, LIN28B seems to be involved in variations in adult height, as well.在人类中,基因LIN28B似乎与成年人的身高差异也有联系。

7.As prime minister, it taught me how to set pmits on what I should be involved in and what people could ask of me.作为首相,疾病教会我如何确定限度:我应参与哪些事,人们可以要求我做哪些事。

8."It was exciting to be involved in a game pke this and that was the biggest game of my career so far, " Eccleston told Liverpoolfc. tv.“能够参加这样的比赛真是太棒了,这是我职业生涯最隆重的比赛,”埃斯克林顿说道。

9.Site investigations do not show any common causes, however competence, training and safety awareness seem to be involved.工厂的调查没有给出任何常见的原因,然而可能包含能力,培训和安全意识。

10.When something goes wrong, it's a good habit to make new copies, somewhere else, of any files you think might be involved.当某些事情出现异常的时候,在别的地方,对您所想到的任何相关文件建立新的拷贝是一个好习惯。