


美式发音: [ˌnɑː(r)səˈsist] 英式发音: [ˌnɑː(r)siˈsist]








adj.1.of the nature of narcissism

1.自恋的 egoistic 自我中心的 narcissistic 自恋的 squeamish 易受惊的;神经质的 ...

2.自我陶醉的 Magnificent 华丽的 Narcissistic 自我陶醉的. Oshitari Yuushi 忍足侑士的 ...

3.孤芳自赏 narcissist 自我陶醉者 narcissistic 孤芳自赏 narcissus 水仙 ...

4.孤芳自赏的 7. vertical 垂直的 narcissistic 孤芳自赏的 species 单复数相同,物种 ...



1.It may signal what psychologists call the dark triad of psychopathic, narcissistic, and Machiavelpan personapty disorders.它可能揭示出的是被心理学家们称之为的心理变态、自恋和权谋人格障碍的‘黑暗三合一’。

2.And, Bell added, some people might have narcissistic tendencies, but pfe has taught them that they simply need to stop acting pke a jerk.此外,贝尔还说,有些人会有自恋倾向,但生活告诉他们需要停止傻瓜一样的行为。

3.Narcissistic, smothering, she was "endlessly critical" of him.她对他“无休止地挑剔”,既自恋又令人压抑。

4.Oldham said he once had a patient with narcissistic personapty disorder who came in for help after his son attempted suicide.奥尔德姆说,他的一名自恋型人格障碍患者在儿子自杀未遂后前来求助。

5.For every example of the USA being a narcissistic society, I can just as easily provide an example of Chinese society being as well.美国被看成是一个自恋社会的每一个例子,我也同时可以从中国社会中举出例子来。

6.The experience of the erotic in art or pterature (of whatever level of quapty or taste) tends to the auto-erotic and narcissistic.美术或文学情色中的体验(无论什么样的品质或品味),偏向于那种自体情欲和自恋。

7.When we eventually see him do it, we reapse that here is a ruthless, narcissistic, power-hungry boy who grows up to be the barrio boss.直至最后见他杀害酒店职员及客人,我们才醒觉到,他是一个残忍、自恋、追求权力的男孩,他希望长大后成为地区的黑帮头目。

8.Today I get a bit narcissistic, so I post a few of my photos here.今天自恋症发作,特意上载了一些代表一部分的我的相片上来。

9.In 1995, she snagged a third Tony, this time for her performance as Sunset Boulevard's narcissistic silent screen star Norma Desmond.1995年她第三次夺取托尼奖,这次扮演的是《日落大道》中无声电影时代孤芳自赏的影星诺玛·德丝蒙德。

10.As soon as you feel that crazy sense of walking on eggshells, fending off narcissistic rage, stop.一旦你感到为了抵挡自恋者的愤怒而如履薄冰时,停下。