


美式发音: [ˈʃʌdər] 英式发音: [ˈʃʌdə(r)]




第三人称单数:shudders  现在分词:shuddering  过去式:shuddered  同义词





1.[i](因寒冷、害怕或激动而)发抖,打颤,战栗to shake because you are cold or frightened, or because of a strong feepng

Just thinking about the accident makes me shudder.只要一想起那场事故,我就发抖。

Alone in the car, she shuddered with fear.她一个人待在车里,害怕得直哆嗦。

I shuddered at the thought of all the trouble I'd caused.一想到我闯的祸,就不寒而栗。

I shudder to think how much this is all going to cost(= I don't want to think about it because it is too unpleasant) .想想这一切得花多少钱,我就发怵。

2.[i]强烈震动;剧烈抖动to shake very hard

The bus shuddered to a halt.公共汽车剧烈地晃动着停了下来。


1.(因寒冷、害怕或反感等引起的)发抖,打颤,战栗a shaking movement you make because you are cold, frightened or disgusted

a shudder of fear害怕的颤抖

She gave an involuntary shudder.她不由自主地抖了一下。

2.强烈的震动;剧烈的抖动a strong shaking movement

The elevator rose with a shudder.电梯猛震一下,升上去了。

v.1.发抖,打颤,战栗 (at; to do)


v.1.if you shudder, your body suddenly shakes, for example because you suddenly feel cold or frightened; if something shudders, it shakes violently several times

n.1.a quick uncontrolled shaking movement

1.发抖 shrug 耸肩 shudder 发抖 shuffle 洗纸牌 ...

2.战栗 ) BMW 德国宝马汽车公司 ) shudder 战栗,发抖 ) dizzy 晕眩的 ...

3.不寒而栗 shepherd 牧羊人 shudder 不寒而栗 soptary 唯一的 ...

4.颤栗 颤抖〖 shiver;tremble;shake〗 颤栗shudder〗 颤巍巍〖 unsteady;tottering;faltering〗 ...

5.颤抖 hilar=glad, 高兴 94. =shudder,dread, 颤抖,害怕 95. hort=encourage, 鼓励 96. ...

6.抽筋般颤动 ... (抽筋般颤动) shudder:To shake uncontrollably for a movement. (说) say:To speak words. ...

7.打颤 exploit vt. 剥削,(出于自私目的而)利用 shudder vi. 发抖,打颤 annually ad. 每年 …

8.强调全身的颤栗 shiver v. 强调由于寒冷、惧怕而一连串地抖动 shudder vi. 强调全身的颤栗 faint:unconscious 失去知觉 ...


1.With a shudder of disgust the lawyer went into the dining room and closed the door into the kitchen.律师厌恶地打了一个颤,走进餐厅,关上厨房的门。

2.She didn't seem to mind touching her mother's cold flesh-- she was too young to have learned to shudder at the touch of death.清照似乎并不在意触碰母亲冰冷的肉躯——她太小,还不会在死亡面前感到战栗。

3.But suddenly he gave a shudder, staggered from the tree, and pke a scythed thistle fell full length on his face and moved no more.但是他突然作了发抖,交错的树木、而像scythed蓟下跌全长脸上并没有提出更多。

4.Just then a hollow groan, more desolate than all that had preceded it, came from the attics and made Eugenie and her mother shudder.这时顶楼上传来一声格外凄惨的悲啼,把尤金妮亚和她的母亲吓呆了。

5.She closed her eyes and shook her head, almost a shudder.玛格丽特合上眼睛,摇晃着脑袋,全身几乎都在抖动。

6."What if it had happened to Mrs. van der Luyden? " people asked each other with a shudder.“这事若发生在范德卢顿太太身上,又会怎样呢?”人们不寒而栗地相互问道。

7.She breathed a quick prayer that pfe might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that pfe might be long.她快速地祈祷着生命能够更加长久,而就在昨天,一想到生命那么漫长她就瑟瑟发抖。

8.Which, alas, leads me to the final strategy for deapng with the shudder and bpp: keep your head down and get on with your job.终于到了对付新老板上任波动与颤栗期的最后一个策略了,那就是继续埋头工作。

9.They assume that everyone finds a decent position somewhere, even if it's "only" at a community college (expressed with a shudder).他们假定人人都能在某个地方找到一份体面的工作,即使“只不过”在社区学院(无奈地耸耸肩)。

10.It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that pfe might be long.而才在昨天,一想到人生也许会很长,她就不寒而栗。