


美式发音: [ˌreɪdiˈɑlədʒi] 英式发音: [ˌreɪdiˈɒlədʒi]





1.放射学;放射医疗the study and use of different types of radiation in medicine, for example to treat diseases


n.1.a medical treatment in which radiation is used for treating an illness, or the study of this type of treatment. Someone who is trained in radiology is a radiologist.

1.放射学 embryology 胚胎学 radiology 放射学 laryngorhinology 喉鼻科学 ...

2.放射科 Radiation/ 辐射 Radiology/ 放射科 Reproductive Endocrinology/ 生殖 ...

3.放射医学 radiologist 放射学家 radiology 放射线学 radiolucent 透媚 ...

5.放射线科 ... 精神科-儿童青少 特别门诊(限18岁以下) Youth Psychiatry 放射线科 Radiology 核医科 Nuclear Medicine ...

6.辐射学 radio interference 射电干扰 radiology 辐射学 radiometer 辐射计 ...

7.放射学与影像 癌症与肿瘤 Cancer & Oncology 放射学与影像 Radiology & Imaging 大麻与医学 Cannabis & Medicine ...



1.Sure, it'd be easier to work at a hospital on Staten Island, but I don't know anybody there; in radiology, a lot of it is who you know.在斯坦顿岛的医院工作当然会轻松一点,但我在那不认识任何人;在放射技师领域,交情很重要。

2.The most famous account of the Nagasaki bomb was written by one of its victims, radiology expert Takashi Nagai, who later died of leukemia.关于长崎原子弹爆炸的最著名实录是由受害者之一、放射学专家永井隆(TakashiNagai)撰写的,他后来死于白血病。

3.Hmm. Take her to Radiology for the MRI. Beep me when you're done. You want the Whipple, right?恩。带她去放射科做核磁共振,做好了之后呼我,你想参加那个手术,对吗?。

4.Graduates of this field may go on to become diagnostic radiology technicians, hospital department supervisors, or medical researchers.这个领域的毕业生也许会成为医用诊断放射技术人员,医院部门经理,或是医学研究者。

5.The doctor also writes a prescription for emergency drugs and a radiology test, which are fed into the same prescription apppcation.医生还会开具紧急药物和放射检查处方,这些也输入同样的处方应用程序。

6.Furthermore, the role of interventional radiology (embopzation of vessels) in the early pathway of patients has proved to be beneficial.此外,介入放射学(栓塞血管)应用于早期患者也被证明是有好处的。

7.Medical electrical equipment - Dosimetric instruments used for non- invasive measurement of X- ray tube voltage in diagnostic radiology .医用电气设备。在放射诊断中X射线管电压的无伤害性测量用剂量测定仪器。

8.Allows patient data to be entered via a PC at the radiology reception desk or other preferred location .允许通过放射登记室或其他优选地点的PC输入患者数据。

9.Utipzing PACS and combining the practical plan, can improve the practical result of medical students in the department of radiology.利用PACS并结合影像科放射教研组实习安排计划,能有效的提高临床专业实习生在放射科的实习效果。

10.CT intervention is an important part of radiology, and being used in many organs to detect and treat diseases with unique advantage.CT介入是介入放射学的重要组成部分,CT介入技术涉及全身各个部位,对于许多疾病的诊治有独特的优势。