




1.贝卢奇 ... 演 员 詹姆斯·卡维泽James  Caviezel 莫妮卡·贝鲁奇Monica Bellucci 美娅·摩根斯坦Maia  Morgenstern ...

3.白鹭鸶湖床的遗址……来自意大利阿布瑞亚(Umbria)的贝鲁西Bellucci)挖着了一个原位沉积的石器,位置见图4.2,在取出前, …

5.提摩太白鹭鸶. ... 费什尔( Fish, Mardy) 贝卢西( Bellucci, Thomaz) 罗布雷多( Robredo, Tommy) ...

7.贝鲁奇产女 monica bellucci 莫妮卡-贝鲁奇壁纸1 bellucci 莫妮卡 贝鲁奇产女 - 金羊网 monica bellucci 莫妮卡贝鲁奇"西西里传说 ...


1.In 1988, Bellucci moved to one of Europe's fashion centers, Milan, where she signed with Epte Model Management.1988年,贝鲁奇来到欧洲时尚中心之一米兰,在那里她与精英模特公司签订了合约。

2.He will be in big Hollywood Magic "Empire Mermaid, " as a soldier of God fish, Monica Bellucci in the film as Queen Mermaid.他将在好莱坞魔幻大片《人鱼帝国》中饰演一个神鱼族战士,莫尼卡·贝鲁奇在影片中饰演人鱼王后。

3.In that year, Bellucci made the transition to acting and began taking acting classes.在这一年,贝鲁奇完成了向表演的转型,并开始学习表演课程。

4.The Mirror Queen (Monica Bellucci) revives the fallen and stabbed Will Grimm (Matt Damon).镜子女王(蒙妮卡贝露琪)复苏倒下,并用刀将格林(马特戴蒙)。

5.Monica Bellucci is an Itapan actress and fashion model.莫妮卡•贝鲁奇是意大利女演员和时尚模特。

6.Today is exactly a month since Itapan actress and model Monica Bellucci gave birth.今天是演员兼名模莫妮卡贝鲁奇生产刚好满一个月。

7.Mr. Jiang had originally wanted Monica Bellucci or Sharon Stone, but they said no.姜先生最初的打算是邀请莎朗斯通或者莫妮卡贝鲁奇参演,但是她们都拒绝了。

8.Bellucci, ranked 36th, reached the semis of a Masters 1000 event for the first time.排名36的布鲁西第一次打进了ATP1000赛的四强。

9.Browse more free Monica Bellucci pictures from our gallery从我们的图库浏览更多免费莫妮卡贝露琪图片