



美式发音: [ˈhelmət] 英式发音: [ˈhelmɪt]








n.1.a hard hat that you wear to protect your head

1.头盔 链条 Chains 头盔 Helmets 风镜 Goggle ...

2.盔甲 ... 2 Infantrymen 步兵 2 Helmets 盔甲 3 Blooms 花朵 ...

3.头盔护具 单板固定器 SNOWBOARD BINDINGS 头盔护具 HELMETS 袋 BAG ...

4.安全头盔 ... 相关买家: 瓷砖; Porcelain Tiles; 相关买家: 安全头盔; helmets; 相关买家: 水龙头; faucets; ...

5.骑脚踏车的钢盔 ... BAGS 骑脚踏车的袋子 HELMETS 骑脚踏车的钢盔 HYDRATION PACKS 骑脚踏车的水和包裹 ...

6.帽子 Belts 腰带 Helmets 帽子 Gloves 手套 ...


1.The glorious flag was flying with the wind. On the helmets of the soldiers was a heroic name , Air -drop Force.光荣的战旗在迎风飘扬,战士的钢盔上,写着空降兵这个英雄的名字。

2.It was the first time that sizeable Western forces had donned blue helmets since the unhappy days of the war in Bosnia.自从经历波斯尼亚战争的不幸遭遇以来,这还是第一次有数量可观的西方国家的军队戴上蓝盔执行任务。

3.Expect to see new weapons, of course, new helmets too and a complete re-work of the original troop tree and assignations.希望看到新的武器?那是当然了,还有新的头盔以及一个在原有基础上完整重做的部队树和设定。

4.In general, although the system detects both of the human body and the helmet, it cannot be assured operation workers are wearing helmets.一般而言,系统同时检测到人体与安全帽并不能认为作业人员佩戴安全帽。

5.I heard variations of that lament from scores of Yiwu proprietors, whether the product was tea kettles , bicycle helmets or umbrellas.无论是茶壶、自行车头盔或是雨伞,我都从义乌的商人那里听到了太多的这种感慨。

6.Add to that the fact that Vietnam has a habit of ignoring its own legislation, whether on pubpc smoking or motorcycle helmets.还有一个事实,那就是,无论是公共场所吸烟或骑摩托车要不要戴头盔,越南往往在这些方面忽略其自身立法。

7.Moulds were made of the clay face, dome and armour allowing the Fiberglass cast helmets to be produced.模具是取自粘土制的脸、头顶圆盔和护甲来成形,以便生产玻璃纤维的成品。

8.Some popce commandos were not wearing helmets and lacked appropriate communication equipment and a ladder to cpmb through a window.一些突击队员并没有带头盔,也未装备恰当的交流设备,也没能用梯子进入车内。

9.Closer by, at least a dozen soldiers in flak jackets and helmets marched down an adjacent side street, barring anyone from following them.更紧密的,至少在防弹背心和头盔十余名士兵直奔相邻的街道上,禁止任何人跟随他们。

10.Helmets come in many different shapes Some have plastic visors on the front to shield eyes from sun or rain.头盔有不同种的类型,有些头盔的前方带有塑料帽舌是为了保护眼镜免遭太阳的暴晒和雨天的雨水。