




1.白鲸美地区规模第三大,也是加拿大最大的水族馆,展示多种北极鲸(Beluga Whales)、杀人鲸(Killer Whales)和鲨鱼(Sharks),以 …


1.But it's exactly what is required for polar bears, ring seals, and the snowy-white beluga whales -- the highly vocal canaries of the sea.而那正是北极熊、环纹海豹和海洋高音金丝雀--雪白的白鲸所需求的。

2.In addition, they also capture the walrus, beluga whales, seabirds, fish, small mammals, carrion, occasional cleaning.除此之外,它们也捕捉海象、白鲸、海鸟、鱼类、小型哺乳动物,有时也会打扫腐肉。

3.the inlet hosts beluga whales , which could soon be added to the endangered species pst.库克湾是白鲸的栖生地,这种鲸将有可能很快成为濒临灭绝物种。

4.The polar bear is a cunning predator, hunting seals, walruses, and beluga whales.北极熊是一个狡猾的食肉动物,狩猎海豹,海象和白鲸。

5.The second largest habitat was designed to copy the natural environment of beluga whales.第二大栖息地是摹仿白鲸的自然生活环境而设计的。

6.For decades, researchers have worried about rising mercury levels in Arctic animals, such as seals, beluga whales, and Arctic char.几十年来,研究者们一直担心北极动物,如海豹,白鲸,汞水平,北极红点鲑等动物的含汞量增加。

7.Underwater love: The two beluga whales swim with a diver near the opening of the dive hole水下之爱:两头白鲸在潜水洞开口附近和潜水员一起游泳。

8.Up close: A diver swims with two white beluga whales under the ice in the White Sea, Russia近距离接触:俄罗斯白海的冰下,潜水员和两头白鲸一起游泳。