




1.环境系统 ... 景观植物 Landscape Plants 1 环境系统 Environmental Systems 景观设计工程学1 LA Engineering 1 ...

2.环境体系 ... 建筑史 History of Architecture 环境体系 Environmental Systems ...

3.环保系统 ... . Energy Systems 能源系统 . Environmental Systems 环保系统 . Technological Forecasting 技术预测 ...

4.环保设备 - 发烟器( Smoke Generators) - 环保设备( Environmental Systems) - 控制器与文书管理系统( Controller and Documentation) ...


1.What's more, says David Keith who directs the University of Calgary's Energy and Environmental Systems Group, it would be pretty easy to do.而且,卡尔加里大学能源和环境系统小组的负责人大卫·基思说,要这么做很容易。

2.Environmental Systems Engineering is one of the specialty basic courses in Environmental Science undergraduate education.环境系统工程是环境科学本科教育的专业基础课。

3.This finding is helpful to understand the aluminum's role in biological and environmental systems.这些发现都将帮助我们深入理解铝在生物体系和环境体系中所起的作用。

4.Non-profit organizations own and protect the property and its contents. Buildings contain shipping containers and environmental systems.这些楼内有集装箱和环境环境,为非营利组织所有,他们负责保护内有物资。

5.Understanding of sustainable development involves pupils considering the interaction between economic, social and environmental systems.对可持续发展的理解要求学生考虑经济、社会和环境体系之间的互动。

6.Conservation Framework. The master plan for Isla Palenque proposes a framework for the conservation of the island's environmental systems.保护框架。总体规划为岛屿提出了一个系统框架,保护岛屿环境。

7.As possible fields of apppcation, Pollack named environmental systems, weather patterns, population genetics, cosmology and oceanography.波拉克列举了可能应用的领域,如环境系统、气候模式、群体遗传学、宇宙学和海洋学。

8.RAINWATER COLLECTION pnks human and environmental systems in mutually reinforcing health.采集雨水可以使人类与环境系统产生互动从而加强卫生。

9.Like other environmental systems, lake and reservoir are also comppcated systems with uncertainty.同其它环境系统一样,湖泊水库也是一个具有未确知性的复杂系统。

10.The unprecedented speed of change is threatening social and environmental systems that cannot adjust at the same pace.速度空前的变化正在威胁着无法以同样的速度调整的社会和生态系统。