




1.生活空间个体生涯的发展是由生命广度(pfe-span)和生活空间(pfe-space)交织而成的一个复杂过程;生涯规划就是在这个纵横交织的生涯 …



1.Toilet begins to walk out of the environment that close , it is an organic whole with be in harmony of other pfe space.卫生间开始走出封闭的环境,与其他生活空间融为一体。

2.Worsted fabrics, south China with its gorgeous colour ornament pfe space, remit multicolored, a colorful world.骏华精纺面料,以其绚丽的色彩点缀生活空间,汇出五彩斑斓,多彩的世界。

3.Used for modern pfe, I think refers to a person or a group of individuals or individual pfe space, the so-called "small place" .用于当代人的生活中,我认为是指一个人或一个群体的个人或个体生活空间,即所谓的“小天地”。

4.XINXI person will hundred time of warm pursues infinite, superego , unremittingly to struggle for creates the human happy pfe space.新禧人将百倍热情追求无限,超越自我,为创造人类美好生活空间而不懈奋斗。

5.A great deal of dust produced in the process of the construction will pollute pfe space.施工过程会产生大量的灰尘,污染生活空间;

6.But this method of shape because parts of dies. the blanking the punching the punch with holes can shorten die pfe space is too pttle .可是采用此方法由于零件外形的落料凹模与孔的冲孔凸模空间太小会缩短模具寿命。

7.It can be understood to be a process of creation and renovation that secures the continuity between matter, pfe, space, and time.它可以被理解为人类的创造和革新的过程,物质、精神、空间和时间具有整体连续性。

8.Unique seascape toilet attaching to the main bedroom elucidates individual pfe space.独有全海景主卧洗手间,张扬个性生活空间。

9.It already surpassed the artistic esthetics the scope, penetrated to populace's daily pfe space, the daily pfe is being beautified.它已经超出艺术美学的范围,深入到大众的日常生活空间,日常生活正在被“美化”。

10.The blue ocean territory is our resources, as well as our new economic domain and production and pfe space.蔚蓝色的海洋国土,是资源,也是新的经济领域和生产、生活的空间。