


美式发音: [dæft] 英式发音: [dɑːft]



比较级:dafter  最高级:daftest  同义词反义词





1.笨的;傻的;愚蠢可笑的silly, often in a way that is amusing

Don't be so daft!别那么犯傻了!

She's not as daft as she looks.她并不像看上去那么傻。

What a daft thing to say!这样说真是太愚蠢了!

IDMdaft as a brush(informal)傻得很;愚蠢透顶very silly


adj.1.silly and not sensible or reasonable2.crazy

1.愚蠢的 chancellor n. 长官,大臣 daft adj. 傻的,愚蠢的 diesel n. 柴油机,内燃机 ...

2.傻的 chancellor n. 长官,大臣 daft adj. 傻的,愚蠢的 diesel n. 柴油机,内燃机 ...

3.达夫特 hurdle 障碍赛 daft 疯狂的 collegue 同事 ...

5.傻的,愚蠢的 ... dandy n. 花花公子,好打扮的人 daft adj. 傻的,愚蠢的? daguerreotype n. (早期)银板照相 ...

6.愚笨的 10.mince pies 肉馅饼 11. daft adj. 癫狂的;愚笨的;狂闹的 15. be blessed with 在…方面有福;赋有…的; …


1.Well on the face of it, anyone would be daft not to get contents cover included on their van insurance.那么就面对它,任何人都将是愚蠢的不要内容涵盖包括他们的面包车保险。

2.Renault once sacked him for alleged financial irregularities and then were daft enough to be charmed into hiring him again.雷诺曾经由于金融违规行为把他炒掉了,随后又傻不垃圾的又雇了他。

3.I don't suppose they were daft enough to ask him why he had left, although one underestimates the stupidity of the club at one's peril.我相信俱乐部还不会蠢到问他为什么要走,但人们似乎高估了纽卡的智商。

4.But the funny thing is, daft, one-off card with a stupid picture and a deranged verse it might have been.不过好玩的事情是,傻乎乎的、仅送过这一次的带有一幅没什么意义的图画的贺卡和一首可能是的疯疯颠颠的诗。

5.Look on the bright side. We were never daft enough, it seems, to pay the kind of prices for stocks our great-grandparents did.从乐观的角度想一想:我们似乎从来没有傻到像自己的曾祖辈那样,支付过高的股价。

6.While no one is daft enough to say poverty excuses looting, some insist that poverty has everything to do with what has happened.然而没有人愚蠢到会说贫穷是发生打劫的理由,只有一部分人坚持认为贫穷和所发生的一切都搭得上关系。

7.That may be true, but all too many daft popcies rely on the collective reluctance of the voters to leave marshmallows uneaten on the table.那也许是对的,但是太多的愚蠢的政策依赖于选民的集体的不满意,这些选民不吃棉花糖,将它们留在桌子上。

8.To pledge allegiance not just to a brand, but to a promise of a brand, you'd have to be utterly daft.而不仅要向一个品牌、还要向一个品牌的许诺宣誓效忠,你一定是傻透了。

9.Rising German business confidence gave a hint this week that this view is not completely daft.本周数据显示德国企业的信心正不断增强,这暗示出,上述观点并非痴人说梦。

10.The saga sounds daft but threatened to spiral into a controversy about race in a country that has just elected its first black president.该传闻听起来很愚蠢,但是却有可能在这个刚刚选举了首位黑人总统的国家演化成一场有关种族问题的大辩论。