


网络释义:准同型相界(Morphotropic Phase Boundary);巴西流行音乐喜年华(Musica Popular Brasileira)


1.准同型相界(Morphotropic Phase Boundary)Zeca Pagodinho Ao Vivo 最佳MPB (Musica Popular Brasileira)专辑:Livro 最佳巴西民歌专辑:Pixinguinha 最佳巴西歌曲:A…


1.This is not always the case however; it is possible for either sex to be affected by MPB or FPB.这种情况并非总是如此不过,是有可能的男女受到预算处或FPB。

2.The pathogenesis of FPB is not as well understood as that of MPB.发病的FPB以及不被理解为是企划预算处。

3.Another characteristic of UCB transplantation is the lower severity and accident of acute graft-versus-host(GVHD) than BM and MPB.另外脐血移植后移植物抗宿主疾病(GVHD)的发生率和严重程度也比骨髓和动员外周血细胞移植低。

4.objective To explore the relationship between male-pattern baldness(MPB)and serum testosterone.目的:探讨男性型秃发的发生与全身雄激素水平的关系。

5.Androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness (MPB) is responsible for the vast majority of hair loss in men.雄激素性脱发或男性秃顶(企划预算处)负责人的头发绝大多数损失负责。

6.Findings show that both MPB and MTB have effective inhibition on Marine Chlorella and are environment-friendly.结果表明:MPB和MTB对小球藻具有良好的抑制效果而且对环境友好。

7.Investigation of MPB with Super Early Strength for Repair of ConcreteMPB超早强混凝土修补材料的研究

8.Stairs at fixed end of MPB主厂房固定端楼梯施工图

9.MPB's doors and windowns drawings of order主厂房门窗订货图