


美式发音: [ˈstelθi] 英式发音: ['stelθi]



比较级:stealthier  最高级:stealthiest  同义词反义词





1.偷偷摸摸的;不声张的;秘密的doing things quietly or secretly; done quietly or secretly

a stealthy animal行动诡秘的动物

a stealthy movement隐蔽的移动


adj.1.quiet and secret so that no one sees or hears you

1.鬼鬼祟祟 ... 鬼面山 Kimenzan 鬼鬼祟祟 stealthy 鬼魂 ghost ...

2.秘密的 confidential 秘密的;机密的 stealthy 秘密的;鬼鬼祟祟的 clandestine 秘密的;暗中的 ...

3.鬼鬼祟祟的 confidential 秘密的;机密的 stealthy 秘密的;鬼鬼祟祟的 clandestine 秘密的;暗中的 ...

4.隐秘的 stampede v. (兽群)惊跑, 乱窜 stealthy a. 隐秘的 stray v. 走散, 迷途 ...

5.隐密行动 静谧速度( Swift and Silent) 需求:隐密行动Stealthy) 健壮( Toughn…

6.偷偷的 ) anew 重新,再 ) stealthy 偷偷的;秘密的 ) duapty 二元性,两重性 ...

7.暗中的 stealth n. 秘密行动 stealthy adj. 隐秘的,暗中的 steamboat n. 汽船,轮船 ...


1.Tess, with a curiously stealthy yet courageous movement, and with a still rising colour, unfastened her frock and began suckpng the child.苔丝脸上的红晕越来越红,她用悄悄的但是大胆的动作解开上衣的扣子,开始喂孩子吃奶。

2.He said the Pentagon has doubts about exactly how stealthy the new aircraft might be.他说,新飞机隐形能力究竟怎样,五角大楼是存有怀疑的。

3.Ninjas are so stealthy, you might not even know their name, but you know that every project they're on seems to go much more smoothly.忍者是如此的隐蔽,你甚至都不知道他们的名字,但是你知道每一个他们参与的项目都进行的更顺利。

4.The burglar must have been very stealthy if he was able to get past the two watchmen without being noticed.能逃多两个守夜人而不被发现,这小偷一定是非常隐秘的。

5.He made a stealthy glance at the girl and put on sort of airs of starting to read.他偷看那个女孩儿一眼就装模做样的看起报纸来了。

6.The Manipulator is often stealthy.操作者。他们总是鬼鬼祟祟的。

7.Older sharks did better and were more stealthy than younger, smaller sharks, demonstrating that learning was occurring, he said.老鲨鱼比年轻鲨鱼的策略更好,更加的狡猾,说明它们在捕食的同时也在学习着。

8.The cat found a bird sitting on the branch and crept with stealthy movements toward it.猫发现枝头上有只鸟,便偷偷地爬向它。

9.Now the next advanced level in stealthy office joke electronics is ready for your enjoyment.现在,下一个鬼鬼祟祟的办公室笑话电子先进水平正在等待您的享受。

10.It was so stealthy that it ended as soon as I gave it a name.它是那么的悄无声息,我刚给它取了名字,一切就结束了。