




1.波诺后的今天,《时代》杂志选出盖茨夫妇和流行乐队U2的主唱伯努Bono)为2005年年度人物,理由是他们对消灭世界各地的 …

5.主唱波若U2乐队主唱波若(Bono)在一片蓝色背景中唱到,“就像海边的每一个波浪一样,这是我所能达到的最远的地方了,”在他背后伴 …

6.报喜鸟报喜鸟西服_报喜鸟男装_报喜鸟(bono)官方网站仕族 / 2010-10-14 总计 3 个记录,共 1 页。

7.主唱伯诺当然,他有本领跟U2乐团的主唱伯诺Bono)通电话,他也有办法引用摇滚巨星对麦金塔的热情评论,向歌迷们炫耀他的产品 …


1.U2 lead singer Bono said he did not know how fans would react to the record.U2的主唱歌手博诺说,他不清楚歌迷们对这张专辑会做何反应。

2.However, Johann de Bono and his colleagues at the Royal Marsden Hospital, in London, think that they have found a solution to this problem.然而伦敦皇家马斯登医院的JohanndeBono和他的同事认为,他们找到了解决该问题的方案。

3.In a 2006 staff survey, 68% said the pro-bono activities made them prouder to work at the company.据2006年的一份员工调查显示,68%的人表示:支持公益活动可使他们在公司工作更为自豪。

4.was let go from her job as the director of a pro-bono legal services program for a social service provider, she took on a nanny position.离开了在一家社会服务提供商担任一个无偿法律服务项目主任的工作后,她接受了一份保姆工作。

5.IN 2003, Bono, the rock star and activist, warmed hearts in the Great White North when he said that "the world needs more Canada" .2003年,当时的摇滚明星,积极分子博诺曾说“世界需要加拿大更多的参与”,继而温暖了无数加拿大人民的心。

6.As a result, pro bono organizational directors report the constant pressure to be out in the legal community " proselytizing " new recruits.因此,公益组织的董事们说他们时刻承受着到法律从业者中“甜言蜜语拉拢”新晋律师的压力。

7.But Bono pkes to stop and point out what works on this continent, largely because he's plunged himself into so much sadness.但是博诺喜欢停下来指出哪些在这个大陆上是行之有效的,大部分原因是他对此深感悲伤。

8.In the 2008 presidential election, celebrities pke Bono and Oprah Winfrey came out for Barack Obama early in the campaign.在2008年总统大选中,像波诺和奥普拉·温弗瑞这样的名人在竞选早期就出来支持巴拉克·奥巴马。

9.Doctor and philosopher Edward de Bono has come up with a technique for changing our point of view, and he calls it Lateral Thinking.作为医生和哲学家的爱德华·德博诺提出了一种改变我们思维方式的技巧,他称之为“横向思维。”

10.One of us is now a full-time pro bono lawyer for the Beijing famipes without Beijing hukou.我们中的一员现在在公盟做免费公益的法律咨询和公民教育,给那些没有北京户口的外来家庭维护权益。