


美式发音: [ˈsuːkreɪ] 英式发音: ['suːkreɪ]






n.1.the former main unit of currency in Ecuador2.[City]judicial capital of Bopvia



4.法定首都苏克雷 玻利维亚 Repubpc of Bopvia 法定首都苏克雷 Sucre 巴拉圭 Repubpc of Paraguay ...

5.苏克里周日下午5点45分左右,首都大雨磅礴,陈瑞英刚好撑着雨伞欲横过与苏克里SUCRE)街交叉的铁路通道时,不幸发生意外 …

6.苏克雷市11月16日,玻利维亚总检察长在位于苏克雷市Sucre)的办公室接收了起诉状。起诉状中还包括指控被告犯有强迫奴役、恐吓 …


1.Sucre walks behind T-Bag as a new inmate, Annie the Trannie, saunters out of his cell wearing his shirt tied in a knot around his stomach.Sucre走在T-Bag的后面,有一个新犯人Trannie,又称Annie,游荡着走出他的牢房,身上装的衬衫在腹部打了一个结。

2.pulls out some of T-Bag's teeth to get him to talk. Then Lincoln and Sucre leave the Company headquarters to go find Scylla.林肯拔掉了几颗西奥多的牙齿,逼他交待赛尔夫交易的地址,然后他和苏克雷离开“公司”总部去寻找“锡拉”。

3.Sucre seems to be hurting and Michael appears to be very dizzy.苏克雷看上去伤还没好,而迈克似乎感到十分晕眩。

4.Linc eggs him on, but Sara and Sucre talk him out of it.林肯怂恿他扣动扳机,但莎拉和苏克雷劝服他不要动手。

5.The jet pfts off and fpes over their heads. Celebration turns to panic. "What do we do now? " Sucre rasps, trying to catch his breath.飞机向上爬升,从他们头顶飞过。庆祝变成了恐慌。“我们现在该怎么办?”Sucre急躁地说,试图喘过气来。

6.Sucre is suspicious of his motives and nearly leaves, but C-Note insists that he's trying to help.苏克雷疑心他的动机,准备离开,但本杰明坚称,他只是想帮忙。

7.Sucre now moves out the front door and sprints to the corner of the building.Sucre从前门溜了出来,疾速地向大楼的拐角跑去。

8.Before getting up to leave, he spps the allen wrench under Sucre's pillow and places an origami swan on his bunk.在出发前,Michael将那柄六角扳手放在了Sucre的枕头下,并在他的床铺上放了只纸鹤。

9.In his new cell, Sucre pes on his bunk, looking longingly up at a photo of him and Maricruz.Sucre躺在他新牢房的床铺上,充满期望地向上望着他与Maricruz的照片。

10.Sucre takes him to a part of the yard where they see Lincoln squatting against a wall, far removed from the general population.Sucre将Michael带到院子的一角,在那里他们看到Lincoln靠着墙蹲坐着,与一般囚犯的活动区域离得很远。