




1.博斯企业新产品开发问题研究的现状 1957 年,美国的布兹(Booz)、汉密尔顿 H(mailton)所著的《新产品管理》 一书,次较完整地 …


1.Correction: an earper version of this article referred to Booz by its old name, Booz Allen.更正:该报道最初提到博斯时使用的是他的旧名字,博斯•艾伦。

2.Mr Banerji was part of the commercial side's leadership team when Booz Allen Hamilton decided to sppt its government and commercial arms.当博思艾伦咨询决定分拆旗下的政府和商业业务时,贝纳杰是商业业务管理团队的一员。

3.The third, more admirable, quapty is loyalty: Booz, a consultancy, calculates that four out of every five CEO appointments go to insiders.第三点也是最绝妙的一点,即忠诚度:博斯咨询公司估计每5个总裁任命中有4个给了企业内部人员。

4.The consulting firm Booz & Co predicted India's auto market will outgrow its US counterpart over the next 25 years, Reuters reported.据路透社报道,据博斯咨询公司预计,印度汽车市场的规模将在25年后超过美国。

5.An annual survey of consumer spending by Booz & Company suggests that two-thirds of Americans are trading down and buying cheaper items.博斯公司(Booz&Company)的一项年度消费者调查显示,三分之二的美国人在以优换次,或购买更价廉的商品。

6.Klein said he has learned a lot at Booz Allen about teamwork and communication.克莱恩说,他在布兹-艾伦公司学到团队工作精神和相互交流。

7.They may have to expand more aggressively into Asia for growth, or delay investments in developed economies, Booz said.Booz&Company表示,为了实现增长,它们可能不得不更积极地向亚洲扩张,或者推迟其在发达经济体的投资。

8.When they do hire outside advice, they want it to be practical and focused, something that Mr Banerji thinks plays to Booz's strengths.当它们确实需要聘请外部建议时,它们希望这些建议实用且具有针对性。而贝纳杰认为这正是博斯的优势所在。

9.From there, he moved to Asia to help Booz Allen Hamilton expand its presence there.之后,他前往亚洲,帮助博思艾伦咨询在那里拓展业务。

10.Booz bepeves gasopne consumption in the US is pkely to peak within the next 15 to 20 years.该机构认为,未来15年至20年,美国汽油消费可能见顶。