




1.羽田 悉尼 SYDney:SYD 东京羽田 HaNeDa:HND 巴黎戴高乐 Charles De Gaulle:CDG ...

3.羽田机场ck-in好了!班机是CI-100,中午左右起飞,抵达羽田Haneda)空港(空港∶日文的“机场”之意)时间是当地下午四点左右。 …

5.东京羽田机场前几年和老板到日本,在东京羽田机场Haneda)准备下扶梯时,一抬头竟然看见唐泽寿明的巨幅海报正悬在扶梯正上方,触 …

6.成田她从成田Haneda)机场打来的电话。 “是学长吗?我知道你说过不要再打电话给你的,但是我,桧山光,实在太想你了!” 小 …


1.Haneda airport should be used for international fpghts , at least between 11pm and 6am, when Narita is under curfew .羽田机场应该用于国际航班,至少是在晚上11点至早上6点之间成田机场宵禁之时。

2.She said that at Haneda airport she felt very emotional and it was at that point that she read my column.在羽田机场,她的情绪非常激动,就在那时她读到了我的专栏。

3.The mood at Haneda was calm and orderly, though many passengers were jittery due to the deluge of news on the escalating nuclear crisis.羽田机场的气氛平静有序,不过因为核危机升级的消息铺天盖地,很多乘客感到紧张。

4.Haneda her ultra-low prices to meet, won the high quapty guitar | feather fans of the network respected.羽她相约以超低价位、质量上乘赢得全国吉他|羽网爱好者的推崇。

5.Fpght schedules were resuming at Tokyo's principal airports, Narita and Haneda, and most of Tokyo'strains and subways were operating.航班时刻表恢复了东京成田和羽田机场的正常起降,东京的大部分火车和地铁已经投入运营。

6.Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, three major hub airports, with Japan's Narita and Haneda airports in close proximity.北京、上海、广州三大枢纽机场,与日本成田、羽田机场距离很近。

7.International fpghts to Haneda airport, much closer to central Tokyo, are severely restricted.前往距离东京市中心近得多的羽田机场(Hanedaairport)的国际航班受到严格限制。

8.The torch was on its way from Tokyo's Haneda airport to the mountain town of Nagano, where the relay will take place on Saturday.圣火目前位于从东京羽田机场到地处山区的长野县的路上,传递活动将于周六在那里举行。

9.It canceled a fpght from Shanghai to Tokyo's Narita Airport and two fpghts from Beijing to Narita and Tokyo's Haneda Airport.国航还分别取消了一趟上海至东京成田机场、两趟北京至成田机场及羽田机场的航班。

10.Despite serious travel disruptions, Tokyo's two main airports, Narita and Haneda, were open on Sunday.尽管严重的交通中断,东京的两个主要机场:成田机场和羽田机场在星期天的时候仍是开放的。