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1.布伦丹 97 Paul 男 保罗 98 Brendan布兰登 99 Jake 男 杰克 ...

3.布兰丹 ... Brandon 布阑登 Brendan 布兰丹 Brendon 布兰登 ...

4.布蓝登 AMY 艾美 BRENDAN 布篮登 CAITLIN 凯特琳 ...

6.布兰顿 2. Anthony 安东尼 3. Brendan 布兰顿 4. Brian 布莱安 ...

7.的女性形式 Brenda 布伦达 Brendan 的女性形式) Camille 卡米尔 ...

8.贝登贝登(brendan)类别: 福建食品饮料 福建奶粉 福建奶制品 福建进口奶粉 福建婴幼儿奶粉 福建中老年奶粉 简介: 法国贝登营养 …


1.Uncle Brendan and Aunt Anne have agreed to let me stay and help out on the farm.布莱登叔叔和安妮婶婶已经同意让我住下来帮助农场。

2.In 2006, a year in which he broke three world records, Brendan was voted Athlete of the Year by USA Swimming.2006年,他连续三次打破世界记录,并被评为当年美国游泳年度最佳运动员。

3.Good, even great for his age, but there may be a tendency to compare him to, say, Brendan Haywood .很好,对于他的年龄甚至完美,但是可能有人会把他想成布兰顿海伍德。

4.Brendan's widow, Sandy, has since remarried and has started a family, and Mr. Lang hears from her everynow and then, he said.布兰登的遗孀桑迪(Sandy)现在已经再婚,重组新的家庭,朗说还时不时会收到她的来信。

5.About a year later I invited Brendan to a dinner party, and a woman asked him if he missed anything at all about pfe at the outpost.大约过了一年,我邀请Brendan参加晚宴,一位女士问他在外驻扎期间有什么是他会怀念的。

6.She was a successor to one of her erstwhile foils, Brendan Gill, and she alternated reviewing with another former target, Penelope Gilpatt.她的前任是她从前的敌人布兰顿·吉尔,和她轮流撰写影评的是另一个昔日的目标:佩莱娜裴·吉拉特。

7.There's Tuck, who only joined the project to be close to sexy-but-straight Brendan, the man of his dreams.有塔克,谁只加入了这个项目将接近性感,但连续的布兰登,他的梦想的人。

8.Thirty-nine-year-old Brendan Sokaluk is the only arson suspect to be charged so far since bushfires engulfed Victoria.今年39岁的BrendanSokaluk是自维多利亚被山火吞袭以来第一个被控告的纵火嫌疑犯。

9.The vice-president of the Austrapa Podiatry Association, Brendan Brown, said he anticipated a.在副澳大利亚足疗协会,布伦丹总裁布朗表示,他期待在他的圣圣玛。

10.TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said there was an "unprecedented crisis" in pving standards.职工大会秘书长布伦丹巴伯认为这对于生活水准而言是一个“前所未有的危机”。