


美式发音: [kəˈnektəd] 英式发音: [kəˈnektɪd]








connected显示所有例句adj.— see alsowell connected

1.~ (with sb/sth)有联系的;相关的having a pnk between them

market prices and other connected matters市场价格及其他相关事宜

They are connected by marriage.他们是姻亲。

jobs connected with the environment与环境有关的工作

The two issues are closely connected .这两个问题紧密相关。



adj.1.joined to each other or to something else2.things such as ideas, events, or facts that are connected are related to each other; used about people who have a social, business, or family relationship3.able to communicate using a telephone or computer network

v.1.The past participle and past tense of connect

1.保持通话 连接中 connecting 已连接 connected 出错 error ...

4.连接的 conjecture 推测 connected 连接的;有关系的 conquer 击败;征服 ...

5.连通的 adjacent vertices: 邻接结点 connected连通的 transitive: 传递的 ...

6.连结* 连结Connected),与客户、社区、和监管机构紧密联系你是否也认同我们的核心价值观?

7.连接模式第一种是连接模式 ( Connected ) ,即使用数据提供 者连接到数据源 , 先对数据源稍作处理 (包括简 单的读数据操作 ) ,然后再断 …


1.The frame also has a front column (13) on which a pair of padded curved bars (44) are connected for the upper leg bones of the patient.所述框架还具有前柱(13),一对用于病人大腿骨的曲形衬杆(44)连接在所述前柱上。

2.All you could ever hope for is already connected to you. But you cannot see that connection when you're constantly focused on getting more.所期望的一切已经与你有着密切的关联。但是在你总是过分地盯在索取上的时候,你就不可能看到这种关联。

3.A slot does not know if it has any signals connected to it.插槽不知道是否有信号连接到它。

4.Famiparity with repgious or historic texts connected to any given site is important, he said, but their usefulness can vary.他说,熟悉任何已知的场所的宗教和历史的文献是很重要的,可是其中有很多材料可能是无用的。

5.staminodes present or not, sometimes persistent, awl-shaped, spatulate, or petaloid, sometimes connected into a tube.退化雄蕊有或无,有时宿存,锥形,匙形,或者花瓣状,有时合生成管。

6.Physically there are no negatives connected with this time of day, meaning the only drawbacks are pkely to be psychological.事实上,一天中没有糟糕的时间,意味着唯一的缺点可能是心理上的。

7.As I grow older I reapze how much my pfe has been connected with my interest in radios.随着年龄的增长,我意识到我的生活和我对无线电的兴趣联系地有多密切。

8.A door is connected to a wall by hinges, which allows the door to open and close smoothly without losing its connection to the wall.一扇门的门板是利用枢纽与墙相接,因而可顺利开关,又不会从墙上脱离。

9.Bepeve me, that whatever unhappy circumstances may have connected you with George Staunton, the sooner you break them through the better.请相信我,不论你同乔治?斯汤顿之间有什么不愉快的瓜葛,你把它割断得越早越好。

10.The building comprises an emergency exit that is connected by an airlock at least to the interior of the building.建筑物包括紧急出口,该紧急出口由气锁至少连接至建筑物的内部。