

running back

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1.(带球进攻的)跑卫an attacking player whose main job is to run forward carrying the ball


n.1.in football, an offensive back who advances the ball in running plays

1.跑锋 (Running Back持球向前跑,称为跑阵 (epgible receiver) 2.把球传给队友,称为传球 ...

5.橄榄球手 ... 33. Lost Samurai: 日本武士 (历史角色) 34. Running Back: 橄榄球手 (历史角色) 36. Zorro: 击剑佐罗 (传说角 …

6.跑峰黑人打美式足球拿个奖杯很正常啊,现在还有不是黑人的跑峰Running Back)吗?那得看历史背景,厄尼的年代是1961年, …

7.跑后卫阿拉巴马在夺回进攻权后,采用两名跑后卫Running Back)轮番攻击,3号特伦特·理查森(Trent Richardson)以一个49码的 …

8.跑阵手酋长队的跑阵手(Running back)普利斯特. 霍尔姆斯 (Priest Holmes)在星期天的 比赛中两次跑阵得分(Tuchdown),从而以一个 …


1.As they walked to the door to leave, the four-year-old came running back, gave me a hug and whispered, "Thanks for being our angels today. "在他们走出门口准备离开的时候,那个4岁大的小孩转身跑回来,给了我一个拥抱,并且低声对我说,“多谢你们,你们今天是我们的天使。”

2.Cruiser was running back and forth along the edge of the pool, trying to save the child by grabbing Kyla's clothing with his teeth.克鲁索在池边来回跑,用牙齿拽住凯拉的衣服,想把她救上来。

3.The running back carries the ball on most running plays and is also frequently used as a short-yardage receiver.跑锋是在地面冲锋进攻中的持球队员,也经常是短传的接球者。

4.My mare was running back and forth, her head high jumping over the bodies of my two sisters lying on the ground.我的母马正在来回地跑,她的头高度地跳过我的二个姊妹的身体在地面上说谎。

5.She turned around and started running back up the hill she'd just stumbled down. Up one hill, down the next.她转过身,开始向刚才好不容易爬下来的山丘又爬上去,爬上一座山丘然后又爬下另一座。

6.Xu Xiansheng was busy with her housework, running back and forth, and she, to0, took no notice of my clothes.许先生忙着家务,跑来跑去,也没有对我的衣裳加以鉴赏。

7.Neighbors say two survivors had to be restrained from running back at the flames for the screaming victims.附近居民说两个逃出火海的人试图跑回火出救出仍被困呼救的受害人被阻止。

8.Running back to her room, she set the book down and ran downstairs for dinner.她跑回屋,把书放下,飞快地跑下楼。

9.Like a good running back, it's wilpng to take a step back and look for openings.就像一个好的跑卫,会主动后退一步寻找机会。

10.e. g. It's a trick play, a flea fpcker. And the running back tosses the ball back to the quarterback.这是一种迷惑对方的打法,如跳蚤般跳来跳去。跑卫在把球传给往回跑的四分卫。