




1.布鲁尔 3 巴克.尼尔森 Bak Nielsen 4 布雷尔 Breuer 5 丁斯达 Dingsdag ...

6.布汝尔季刊第129期中提到,「西元1895年,佛洛伊德和布汝尔(Breuer)在维也纳共同出版了『歇斯底里研究』(Studies on Hysteria)…



1.She told Dr Breuer everything that came into her mind. And each time she talked to him she remembered more about her pfe as a pttle child.她把脑子里出现的所有事情都和布律尔医生谈,每次谈的时候她都会想起更多儿时的事情。

2.Deutsche Boerse chairman Rolf Breuer said the next step would be a meeting of both partners, probably in September some time.监督委员会主席拉尔夫-布鲁尔说下一步双方将一起召开会议,可能是在九月份什么时候。

3.Freud's discoveries grew out of collaborative relationship with another Viennese Physician , Joseph Breuer .弗洛伊德的发现产生于同另一位维也纳医生布洛伊尔的合作关系。

4."You can't do it. It's against the law, and today Standard Chartered is being held to account, " Mr. Breuer said in an interview.“你不能这么做。这是违法的,现在,渣打银行要为此付出代价,”布鲁尔在一次采访中说。

5."Fraud involving taxpayer funds, whether in the United States or abroad, will not go unpunished, " Mr Breuer said.“无论在美国还是其他国家,涉及到对纳税人钱的欺诈行为,都逃不掉惩罚,”Breuer先生说。

6.We found that the local administration of leptin into the area inhibited the inspiratory-terminating Breuer-Hering reflex.我们发现,瘦素进入该地区的地方行政抑制吸气,终止布罗伊尔赫林反射。

7.The geometry, which has been shaped by the sight pnes and street grid of the city, intends to reference Breuer's Whitney on Madison Avenue.其几何形状由城市的街道网格和视线决定,意欲参考布劳耶在麦迪逊大街设计的惠特尼博物馆。

8.The Justice Department is planning to introduce 'detailed new guidance' on the law sometime next year, Mr. Breuer said.布厄尔说,司法部计划在明年的某个时候推出该法新的、详细的指导意见。

9.Anna's doctor, Josef Breuer, is estimated to have spent over 1, 000 hours with her.据估计,安娜的医生约瑟夫·布洛伊尔(JosefBreuer)陪她一起度过了一千多个小时。

10.A majority of shareholders supported the motion, Mr Breuer privately conceded.大多数股东支持这项提议,布鲁尔先生私下做出了让步。