


美式发音: [səˈɡæsəti] 英式发音: [sə'ɡæsəti]








n.1.good judgment based on practical knowledge and experience

1.睿智 ) malaise 不舒服 ) sagacity 睿智,聪敏 ) stamina 毅力,持久力,精力 ...

2.精明 safety training 安全训练 sagacity 精明 sagging market 价格日益下跌的市场 ...

3.洞察力 audacity 大胆,鲁莽 sagacity 聪慧,洞察力 salacity 好色,淫荡 ...

4.聪敏 ) malaise 不舒服 ) sagacity 睿智,聪敏 ) stamina 毅力,持久力,精力 ...

5.聪明 vivacity 活泼,有生气 sagacity 聪明,贤明 veracity 诚实,真实 ...


7.敏锐 ... remoteness 远离,远隔,细微) sagacity 精明,敏锐,有远见) synoptic 摘要的,高瞻远瞩的) ...

8.聪慧 audacity 大胆,鲁莽 sagacity 聪慧,洞察力 salacity 好色,淫荡 ...


1.Fox - One who will use all that he may posses of sagacity, wit or wisdom in his own defense.狐狸-能够运用自己全部的精明、机敏和智慧来自卫的人。

2.It needs no great sagacity to see that the writer is a novice at his task.很容易看得出来那位作家是一位生手,刚从事写作的。

3.but I think I may defy even your sagacity, to discover the name of your admirer.可是即使以你这样的机灵,我看你还是猜不出你那位爱人姓甚名谁。

4.Whether Wei Dan, WANG Shao, or Niu Hong, Yao inspections, Li Depn, no one has stood the height of Master Li made such a sagacity!无论是魏澹、王劭,还是牛弘、姚察、李德林,谁也没有站到李大师的高度,提出过这样的卓识!

5.In a word , the trained sagacity and untiring caution of himself were all he had to rely on, amid the critical risks he unavoidably ran .总之,在他所冒的不可避免的危险中,他除了自己那训练有素的机警和不懈的谨慎以外是一无所恃的。

6.e. g . " a venerable - looking man , with white hair and beard and a face of great sagacity" (Samuel Butler).“他白发银须,脸庞睿智,看起来德高望重”(塞缪尔·巴特勒)。

7.She was half sorry her sagacity had miscarried, and half glad that Tom had stumbled into obedient conduct for once.她一方面为了自己的机智落了空而难过,一方面又为了汤姆居然也有这么一回破天荒的听话守规矩的行为而高兴。

8.He was not a so called honest and upright official, but his greediness hid in sagacity, he was a new fe.但滕大尹并不是所谓公正严明的清官,在他的精明中暗藏着贪婪,是一个发人深省的官僚新形象。

9.Means of recumbent and traditional sale, skypne has profit till the abipty and sagacity after holding water 5 years.靠着传统营销方式,天涯直到成立5年后才略有盈余。

10.In being trifpng the sagacity that disappears in become intoxicated and flutter in regain consciousness.在琐碎中泯灭的灵性在沉醉和飘扬中苏醒。