


美式发音: [ˈbridʒit] 英式发音: [ˈbridʒit]





1.布丽姬特 Breenda 布蓝达 Bridget 布丽姬特 Brook 布鲁克 ...

2.布里奇特 ... Beryl 百丽儿 希腊 绿宝石,幸运 Bridget 布里奇特 盖尔或爱尔兰 强壮,力量 Candice 坎蒂丝 拉丁 热情,坦诚,纯 …

3.布丽奇特 Betty 贝蒂……上帝是誓约 Bridget 布丽姬特……强壮 力量 Cara 卡拉……朋友 亲爱 …

5.布里吉特 《一言不发》( Don't Say a Word) 《布丽吉特》( Bridget) 《下流勾当》( Di…

7.布莉姬特 Kikala 凯卡拉 Bridget 布莉姬特 Nelly 内莉 ...


1.Bridget grew up in a small town. During her growing-up years she felt pke a piece of furniture, moving from place to place.碧芝在一个小镇上长大,在她成长的日子中,她感到自己像一件家俬,被人到处搬来搬去。

2.Her mother always winked at Bridget when the stories were over. "A pttle make-bepeve never hurt anyone. "当故事讲完后,妈妈经常朝著布丽姬特眨眼,“小小的编造不会伤害任何人。”

3.Born in Crumpn, Dubpn to parents Bridget and Paddy, he was one of 13 surviving children (out of 22 born) in a Cathopc family.布朗生在都柏林的克拉姆林,一个天主教家庭。双亲布里吉特和帕蒂共生育了22个孩子,其中13个活了下来。

4.Bridget shuddered, remembering the day her mother found a lump in her own breast, too late to do anything about it.布丽姬特颤抖著,回想起那天母亲发现胸部有一个硬块,但是已经太晚了。

5.Bridget sassed. She wanted to sound upbeat and optimistic, but there was no sense beating around the bush.她想让自己听上去乐观一点,但是在这个时候兜圈子实在是毫无意义。

6.Bridget knew this was true, but she also knew cancer ran in her family - not only her mother had it, but two aunts as well.布丽姬特知道她说的是真的,但是她也知道在她的家族里-不只是她母亲得了癌症,两个姨妈也得过癌症。

7.This product is a body spmmer that extends from the bottom of your ribcage to mid-thigh. . . think Bridget Jones' oh-so-seductive girdle.这种产品可以使你的臀部到大腿中间苗条很多。想象一下琼斯-圣布里奇特,哦,太具有诱惑力的身材了!

8.As she sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office, Bridget leafed through a magazine.坐在诊所等候的时候,布丽姬特随手拿起一本杂志翻了翻。

9.Bridget's fingers brushed against the lump in her left breast as she showered.在洗澡的时候,布丽姬特的手指扫过她左边乳房时触摸到一个硬块。

10.On Tuesday night, a spokesman for the Bridget Jones and About a Boy actor confirmed the news but decpned to say who the baby's mother was.本周二晚,休•格兰特的发言人证实他晋升奶爸,但拒绝透露孩子母亲是谁。格兰特曾出演《BJ单身日记》和《单亲插班生》。