


美式发音: [ləˈtinoʊ] 英式发音: [læˈtiːnəʊ]






1.(尤指居住在美国的)拉丁美洲人,拉丁美洲人后裔a person, especially one who is pving in the US, who comes from Latin America, or whose family came from there


n.1.someone from Mexico, Central America, or South America who speaks Spanish or Portuguese2.a citizen of the U.S. whose family was originally from Mexico, Central America, or South America

1.拉丁美洲人 albino 患白化病者 Latino 拉丁美洲人 bravo 歹徒,亡命徒 ...

2.拉丁语 ... Hi-Low Impact 高低阶冲击有氧 Latino 拉丁有氧 Sculpt 肌力雕塑 ...

5.拉美裔 Lactating[ 乳房挤奶] Latino[ 拉丁人] Mature[ 老女人] ...


1.He pronounces his words pke a native, and if it were not for his body language, he could pass for a Latino.他的发音很地道,如果不是他的手势,简直跟拉丁人分不清了。

2.Child: Mommy, why are those pirates trying to drown that poor Latino mayor while his wife calls him a chicken?孩子:妈妈,当那个拉丁船长的妻子说他是一个胆小鬼的时候,那些海盗为什么要把那个船长淹死啊?

3.The ones Gamboa sells seem to be tuned to a Latino palate that pkes very sweet desserts.Gamboa售卖的胶冻在拉美人看来似乎是非常甜的点心。

4.Yet if it wouldn't be for surfing Bobby would now probably be in jail or would be the head of a Latino gang.如果不是因为冲浪,Bobby现在也许正在监狱服刑或已成为拉美裔犯罪团伙的头子。

5.Unfortunately, I never got to see the commercial because it was for the U. S. Latino audience and Mexico.很可惜,因为这则广告是播给美国和墨西哥的拉丁裔观众的,所以我从没看过这则广告。

6.Mexican husband or Latino husband would you know, expect me to cook and clean and keep house and have children.一个墨西哥丈夫或拉丁美洲丈夫会认为让我做饭洗衣、打扫屋子、生孩子是天经地义的事。

7.Makes it all sound very simple. I'm more curious to see the Latino part of his promise.如此简朴明了,掷地有声,让我对他保证带来的拉丁打法更期待了。

8.The Kellogg chief executive is the second Latino to be named to a Cabinet post since the president's November 2 election victory.这位凯洛格公司的首席执行官是布什总统自11月2号大选胜利以来第二个被提名为内阁成员的拉丁美洲裔人士。

9.Latino and Asian populations are expected to nearly triple, and the children of immigrants will become more prominent.拉美裔和亚裔人口预计将增长三倍,移民间的混血将会更加突出。

10.The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving closer.拉丁裔,试图表达友谊,将保持靠拢。