




1.英国领事馆 【香港澳洲总领事馆】 Austrapa in Hongkong 【英国驻港总领事馆British Consulate ...

3.英国总领事馆 【香港澳洲总领事馆】 Austrapa in Hongkong 【英国总领事馆British Consulate 【丹麦驻香港总领事馆】 Royal Danish E…

4.英国大使馆 技术工程师 Systems Engineer 英国大使馆 British Consulate 董事长/总经理 President & CEO ...


1.The British Consulate prefers to see the historical provenance of money intended to cover the costs of your course.我们希望看到您用来支付学费的资金的历史来源。

2.Attended by the British consulate culture training office sponsored Sino-British low carbon pfe pne is one of the biggest I harvest.参加由英国总领事馆文化教育处主办的中英低碳生活行是我收获最大的一次。

3.You were recommended to us by the British consulate General in Guangzhou.英国驻广州领事馆把你们推荐给我们。

4.It was lunch hour when we got to the British Consulate, and the place was closed.赶到英国领事馆已是吃午饭的时间,那儿关门了。

5.We have therefore introduced new advisory sessions with an Entry Clearance Officer from the British Consulate.因此英国领事馆的签证官员推出了新的咨询项目。

6.The British Consulate staff prefer not to assess levels of Engpsh Language Proficiency with student visa apppcations .英国领事馆的工作人员不会通过学生签证材料来评估学生的英语水平。

7.Draw out every cent. Then we'll go to the British Consulate and get a visa. You're going to hop the train this afternoon for London.然后咱们就去英国领事馆弄一份签证,今天下午你就坐火车去伦敦,再从伦敦乘最早一班船回美国。

8.The participants appreciated efforts of the British Embassy in Beijing and the British Consulate-General Shanghai for organizing the event.集会者非常感激英国使馆对于此次活动的组织和支持。

9.At the Visa Section of the British Consulate - General Guangzhou .到英国驻广州总领事馆签证处申请。

10.Welcome to the web pages for the British Consulate-General Chongqing.欢迎您进入英国驻重庆总领事馆网页。