


网络释义:我;水油比(water-oil ratio);喎


1.我 兎 tuy wor 希 xi ...

2.水油比(water-oil ratio) WOR performance 水油比动态 WOR 水油比 word boundary 字界 ...

3.喎 law 罗 wor Y_Y 哭 ...

4.字或 26 WAND 字与 27 WOR 字或 28 WXOR 字异或 ...

5.工作空间文件 ... ·神圣骑士/ Holy Knight ·未来日记- ANOTHER:WOR ·折翼的天使们 II ...

7.字逻辑或 ... WAND 字逻辑与 WOR 字逻辑或 WXOR 字逻辑异或 ...


1.First of all, I wish to sincerely thank all of you for the support and well wishes since the completion of Wor Sing Wor Show.首先,我要真挚的谢谢你们所有人。谢谢你们自从我型我秀开播以来对我的支持和美好的祝愿。

2.Use the wor, produced flour and wheat flour standards consistent, shouldn't frozen dumppngs should also be up to the standard.用符合国家标准的面粉,生产出来与面粉标准一致的速冻饺子,按理说也应该是达标的。

3.World federapsts hold before us the vision of a unified mankind pving in peace under a just wor lorder.世界联邦主义者为我们描绘的美景是:全人类联合起来,和平地生活在公平的世界秩序之下。

4.This thesis intends to solve the problem of the Stem Segmentation by combining the Bidirectional Matching algorithm and Omni-wor.本文采用了双向匹配和全切分相结合的方法来实现维吾尔语词干提取。

5.Since fixtures rely on contacts to constrain wor kp piece, the effect of friction should be considered.夹具依靠与工件的接触来约束工件,必须考虑二者之间的摩擦力。

6.So the US is now, as in other matters, a wor ld unto itself.所以同其它事务一样,美国现在是特立独行的。

7.We hope people all over the wor.回答我们希望世界个各国人民友好相处

8.A motorcycle can get good mileage, but does not wor kwell in snowstorms.摩托车省油,但是遇上暴风雪的天气就没法开了。

9.Chinese stir-fry is the best way in the wor d in vegetable dish cooking.中国炒菜是世界上烹饪蔬菜的最好的方法。

10.Not a wor to my mother, for she could not stand the shock.不要告诉我母亲,因为她受不了刺激。