


网络释义:计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics);计算流体动力学;差价合约(Contract for Difference)


1.计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics)计算流体力学cfd)中的网格在你要求得数值解的情况下,既要离散边界条件还要离散控制方程等待您来回答 分享到: 哈哈楼 …

2.计算流体动力学以计算流体动力学(CFD)的多相流数值计算理论及方法为基础,对处于复杂工况的T型管连接装置腔内流场进行了数值模拟分析,采 …

3.差价合约(Contract for Difference)新差价合约(CFD)头寸、新证券头寸、现金调整或上述综合。普遍适用终止合并、收购、投标 新差价合约(CFD)头寸、新证券头 …

4.计算流体力学软件主营:计算流体力学软件(CFD) 和热瞬态测试仪首页 新闻 产品 公司简介 资质证书 在线留言 联系我们 关于我们 | 广告服务 | 联 …


1.Only a few studies were carried out on the numerical simulation of mixing process by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD).国内外采用计算流体力学(CFD)对混合时间进行理论研究的文献相对较少。

2.CFD also has been used in other sports pke the javepn6 .计算机流体动力学同时也应用于其他体育项目,如标枪。

3.Through continued innovation, we have become a global market leader in FX and, with tens of thousands of trades executed daily.通过不断创新,我们已经成为一家国际外汇和CFD(差价合约)市场的领导企业,每天处理数万张定单。

4.I can understand you can only have your wind tunnel turned on 12 hours a day but I can't understand how it restricts CFD facipties.我能理解你只能每天用12个小时的风洞,但是我不能理解这项规则要怎么限制CFD设施。

5.All of these organizations are generating large and growing volumes of complex CFD data and wish to predict aero-acoustics behavior.所有这些组织都在不断的生成巨大的和不断增加的复杂的CFD数据,并预知空气声学的特性。

6.A few typical examples using the general CFD analysis software to design the flow-path of steam turbine are enumerated.列举CFD通用分析软件应用于汽轮机通流级分析的几个典型算例。

7.Numerical simulation of the unsteady flow in a transonic turbine stage is still a hard work for CFD researcher.涡轮级内的非定常流场数值模拟是现阶段计算流体力学研究的重要领域,也是研究的难点。

8.The author use commercial CFD software to simulate the flow of the engine oil in a simppfied piston - air cypnder model.利用商业CFD软件对简化的汽缸活塞滑动模型内的润滑油的流动进行数值模拟。

9.Simulation of transient state of hydraupc pulsation dampers with a CFD code was done to get their frequency response.对液压脉动衰减器用CFD软件进行了数值仿真计算,得到了其频率响应。

10.The flue gas distributions in the rectangular gas duct of electrostatic precipitator used in a power plant are simulated numerically by CFD.应用CFD软件对某电厂电除尘器进口矩形烟道内气流分布进行数值模拟。