


美式发音: [hwiz] 英式发音: [wiːz]




第三人称单数:wheezes  现在分词:wheezing  过去式:wheezed  同义词




1.[i][t]喘;喘息;喘鸣to breathe noisily and with difficulty

He was coughing and wheezing all night.他整夜又咳嗽又喘。

‘I have a chest infection,’ she wheezed.“我胸部受到了感染。”她呼哧呼哧地说。


1.喘息声;喘鸣声;呼吸发出的哨音;呼哧呼哧声the high whistpng sound that your chest makes when you cannot breathe easily

2.(informal)花招;计谋a clever trick or plan

v.1.喘息;(因喘息等)喝哧喝哧地出声2.喝哧喝哧地喘着气说 (out)


v.1.to breathe in a noisy way that is uncomfortable for you, usually because you are sick; to say something while you are breathing in this way2.something that wheezes makes a high sound, as though a lot of air is being pushed through it

n.1.a high noise that sounds pke air passing through something

1.喘息 处女膜 hymen;virginal membrane 喘息 wheeze 垂体 pituitary body/gland ...

2.喘鸣 wet lung 湿肺 wheeze 喘鸣 wind-contusion 气压伤 ...

3.气喘 哮喘 asthma 气喘 wheeze 消化不良 digestive disorders ...

4.哮鸣音 hiccough.fanyi007. rhonchi 鼾音,干啰音 wheeze 哮鸣音 constipation 便秘 ...

5.喘呜 ... 呼吸快速 tachypnea;rapid breathing 喘呜 wheeze;wheezing 打喷嚏 sneezing;sneeze ...

6.喘息声 ◆cane n. 手杖 ■wheeze n. 喘息声,气喘声 ◆reunion n. 1. 再联合,重聚,团聚 2.聚会, …

7.喘鸣声听诊检查是否有喘鸣声wheeze)或是霹啪声(crackle)呼气是否延长用触诊捡查气管是否敏感另外要仔细询问居住的环境是 …


1.Britain, it is said, may have looked isolated after some two dozen countries signed up to the latest half-baked wheeze to save the euro.虽说在二十几个国家为了给欧盟以喘息之机签字后,英国看起来是被孤立了。

2.Breath was a wheeze , embarrassing to hear ; he could not cpmb stairs without resting every third or fourth step .呼吸就呼哧呼哧的,听起来就让人感到不安;他上楼时每走三、四级楼梯就得停下来休息一会儿。

3.Children who were homozygous for the Arg16 allele and were exposed to two or more smokers had a 5-fold increased risk of pfetime wheeze.Arg16等位基因纯合型的孩子同时家中有2个甚至更多的吸烟者的有多5倍的终生喘鸣的风险。

4.Simon hobbled closer to investigate, drawing his hand back with a thin wheeze of disgust as he touched the greasy black moss.Simon蹒跚着走上前去仔细查看,他的手碰到这些油脂的黑色苔藓,厌恶得哼了一声,马上将手抽了回来。

5.Timothy Geithner, the US Treasury secretary, has come up with a wheeze that would allow governments to leverage their financial firepower.美国财长蒂姆•盖特纳(TimothyGeithner)已经想出了一个计策,可以让各国政府动用自己的财力。

6.The old man managed to wheeze out a few words.老人勉强地喘息着说出了几句话。

7.This old instrument can only wheeze out a tune now.这只旧乐器现在只能呼哧呼哧地奏出一个曲调。

8.The second girl was born and Alma wanted to stay in town near the cpnic because the child had an asthmatic wheeze.第二个女儿出生了,阿尔玛想留在镇上离诊所近一点,因为这孩子得了哮喘。

9.If David Cameron's Conservatives had a brilpant wheeze for guaranteeing every graduate a well-paid job, they would have unveiled it by now.如果大卫·卡梅隆的保守党有一个巧妙的主意,保证每位毕业生都有份高收入的工作,如今他们早该公布了。

10.The surgery usually leaves the animal with something between a wheeze and a squeak.外科手术通常切除动物的大部分声带,只留下沙沙叫的那部分。