




1.你会唱歌吗 ... -- No,I can't.( 不,我不会。) -- Can you sing?( 你会唱歌吗?) -- Can you fly a kite?( 你会放风筝 …


1.Can you sing the popular song "As long as you love me" ?你能唱流行的歌曲“只要你爱我”?

2.Yes. I can jump. Can you sing? No, I cannot.是的,我会跳。你会唱歌吗?不,我不会唱。

3." He comes up to the cock and says , " I know you can sing very well . Can you sing for me?他朝公鸡走来,对他说:“我知道,你歌唱得非常好听,你能唱给我听吗?”

4.The fox sees, it wants to eat that meat, it said to the crow: "Can you sing to me? "狐狸看见了,它想吃那块肉,它对乌鸦说:“你能唱歌给我听吗?”

5.Great! Can you sing and have sports with her?太棒了,你们能和她一起唱歌运动吗?

6.Can you sing the song about the sun?你还会唱哪些有关太阳的歌?

7.Can you sing? Yes, I can. But I can't sing well.你会唱歌吗?是的,我会。但我不能唱得很好。

8.We're from America can you sing it with me?我们来自美利坚,你会跟我一起唱吗?

9.Can you sing with all the voices?你能否与大山地声音相互唱和?

10.Can you sing "New York, New York" from memory?你能凭记忆唱出《纽约,纽约》这首歌吗?