


美式发音: [səbˈvɜrt] 英式发音: [səbˈvɜː(r)t]



第三人称单数:subverts  现在分词:subverting  过去式:subverted  同义词反义词





1.[t][i]~ (sth)颠覆;暗中破坏to try to destroy the authority of a poptical, repgious, etc. system by attacking it secretly or indirectly

2.[t]~ sth使背叛;使变节;策反to try to destroy a person's bepef in sth or sb


v.1.to attack or harm a government or estabpshed system of law, poptics, etc.2.to make someone less loyal or less moral

1.颠覆 颠颠〖 gladanddipgent〗 颠覆subvert;overturn;overthrow;undermine〗 颠狂〖 demented〗 ...

2.推翻 version 译本 subvert 推翻,颠覆 vision 视力,视觉 ...

3.破坏 obverse 正面的,对应面的 18. subvert 颠覆,破坏,扰乱(人心)- subversion – n. 颠覆性的,破坏性的 23. ...

4.暗中破坏 usurp 非法篡夺 subvert 暗中破坏 revolt 反叛 造反 ...

5.搅乱 subtlety 狡猾,微妙(的感情) subvert 推翻, 暗中破坏, 搅乱 succinct 简明的,简洁的 ...

6.颠覆传统或政体用 人生的「逆境」为 adversity? 为甚么「颠覆」传统或政体用 subvert? ...

7.败坏 ... savor n. 滋味 subvert v. 败坏 abound v. 富于 ...

8.策反 generate heat 产生热 19. subvert 颠覆 推翻 策反 destitute 缺少的 毫无。。。的 21. ...


1.Cameron, the Murdoch empire and the popce have been involved in a corrupt attempt to subvert the democratic rights of the British people.卡梅伦,默多克帝国和警察都被卷入了企图破坏英国人民民主权利的腐败事件之中。

2.The Venezuelan government has also ejected a pair of US diplomats on suspicion of trying to subvert the government.委内瑞拉政府宣布驱逐两名美国外交官,原因是这两人涉嫌在委内瑞拉政府中制造混乱。

3.This was badly received by other countries, which accused the White House of trying to subvert the UN.但其它国家对此反响不佳,纷纷谴责白宫试图给联合国捣乱。

4.He said the speeches reflect a philosophy that could subvert "the mainstream concept of judging. "他说发言可以反映出一个可能颠覆“审判的主流观念”的思想体系。

5.In such a culture, the power of poetry to subvert is immense, and in Mr. Thien's hands, it would be deemed a dangerous weapon.在这样的文化中,诗歌的颠覆力量是巨大的,而在阮志天的手中,诗歌将被视为一件危险的武器。

6.Mr Hu was convicted of trying to subvert state power, after taking up the causes of AIDS patients and the environment.胡先生从事艾滋病人事业与保护环境后,被以“煽动颠覆政权罪”逮捕入狱。

7.WHO officials accuse the tobacco industry of trying to subvert the treaty by pressuring countries not to ratify it.世界卫生组织官员指责烟草工业试图向各国政府施压,要各国不要批准条约。

8.How could it respond, in a way, to acknowledge or subvert the fact that we're looking at it?它会如何回应,或者说,它会怎样认知或者颠覆我们观赏者的注视这一事实?

9.It is possible that the popce may try to subvert the app by feeding it false information.很可能警察会试图给提供假信息来破坏该程序。

10.But that may be a good thing considering the kind of innovation we had -- attempting to subvert accounting and regulations.但考虑到我们过去见到的创新(也就是试图推翻会计制度和规定)都是什么样的,那也许是件好事。