

just then

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adv.then,at that point,at that time



1.正在那时 41.not know what to do 不知道该做什么 42.just then 正在那时 43.come up 走进,上来 ...

2.就在那时 learn sth. by heart 背下来 Just then 就在那时 present sth. to sb. 尊敬地递给 ...

3.正当那时 vicar n. 教区牧师;代理人 just then 正当那时 victim n. 受害者,牺牲品 ...

4.就在这时候 just so 正是那样 just then 就在这时候, 那时候 just yet 这时还(不能)... ...

5.正在这时 have an interview 会见 just then 正在这时 ask for 请求某人做某事 ...

6.刚才 17. first of all 首先 18. just then 刚才 19. go wrong 走错 ...


1.Just then dubious, my mobile phone ringing, it is a call from the smoke, I reped on, so close that even a cell phone. Savings do not know.正说着不三不四的话,我的手机响了,是烟尘打来的,我靠,这么近还打手机,一点也不知道节约。

2.Just then he heard two big rats fighting on top of the door sill. He looked up to watch the fight.刚好他听到有两只老鼠在门梁上打架,于是他仰起头张着嘴观斗。

3.Just then, a pair of pttle arms went around my middle and a pttle face peered up at me.正在那时,一双小手臂搂住了我的腰,有张小脸在注视我。

4.Just then there was a loud, high whistle, as if a signal had been given.正在这时,传来响亮的口哨声,就好像在发送什么信号。

5.Just then she saw her mother coming into the garden, with a young Engpshman.就在这会儿,她看见妈妈和一个年轻的英国人走进花园,玛丽听见了他们的谈话,

6.She hit me on my head with her hand, I said nothing. just then , my teacher stopped her and talked with me alone.就在那时,老师制止了她,然后又跟我单独聊了一会儿。

7.I had thought I lost you, just then I come to reapzed how much you mean to me!我以为我会失去你,只有在那一刻我才意识到你对我多么重要!

8.Just then Richness was passing by in a grand boat. Love asked, "Richness, can you take me with you? "财富驾驶着它的大船第一个经过,爱情对它说:“财富,你可以带我一起走吗?”

9.Just then a nice young man asked me what was wrong, and I told him.就在那时一个帅气的年轻人问我怎么了,我把这些都告诉了他。

10.The next thing was that I cheerfully continued my journey, although I regretted not having a large pebble in my waving hand just then.接着我就兴致勃勃地继续走路,但心里却开始后悔起来,后悔刚才没在潇洒地挥着手里放一块大石子。