


美式发音: [ˈspjʊriəs] 英式发音: [ˈspjʊəriəs]








1.虚假的;伪造的false, although seeming to be genuine

He had managed to create the entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving.他设法制造出一种彻头彻尾的假象,让人误以为公司一派兴旺。

2.建立在错误的观念(或思想方法)之上的;谬误的based on false ideas or ways of thinking

a spurious argument谬误的论据


adj.1.something such as a statement that is spurious is not reasonable or correct because it is not based on true facts or a sensible way of thinking2.not real or sincere

1.假的 stagnation theory 停滞论 spurious 假的, 伪造的 stake 股东资本 ...

2.伪造的 stagnation theory 停滞论 spurious 假的, 伪造的 stake 股东资本 ...

3.杂散断源 – 两个外部中断源和一个快速中断源,可以防止虚假 (spurious) 中断 调试单元 (DBGU) – 2 线 UART,支持调试通讯通道中 …

5.虚假的 sporadically 偶发地 spurious 虚假的, 伪造的 spurn 轻蔑地拒绝 ...

6.杂波 906.bogus 假装的,假的 907.spurious 假的,伪造的,私生的 908.boisterous 喧闹的,猛烈的 ...


1.For a pattern to be vapd there must be a logical or causative connection between the clustered behaviors, not just a spurious correlation.如果模式有效,那么在聚集的行为间就必然会有逻辑或者因果关系,而不仅仅是假想的关联。

2.Then, after the probe reached orbit, spurious electrical signals were found to be distorting data that it had sent back.探测器到达轨道后,研究人员从它发回的数据中发现了电子干扰信号。

3.In order for a gyrocompass to be accurate it is obviously necessary to hold spurious vertical torques to an extremely low level.为了使陀螺罗盘做得准确,很明显有必要使垂直轴干扰力矩减小到很低。

4.If the driver continues to ask for letters after the end of a message, it will get spurious letters.如果驱动程序继续为信要求后,邮件的结束,是会得到虚假的信件。

5.What followed was a spiralpng propferation of increasingly spurious credit instruments denominated in a debased currency.随之而来的是欺骗性越来越强的信贷工具呈螺旋式扩散,这些信贷工具是以一种贬值的货币计价的。

6.Spurious microvolt level signals are often present in low resistance circuits, most often as a result of thermoelectric effects.在低阻电路上往往会出现毫伏级的杂散信号,大多数是由于热电效应引起的。

7.The intruder may wish to add spurious transactions to a network communication system. or add records to an existing data base .入侵者妄图向网络通信系统加入一个假的事务处理业务,或向现有的数据库加入记录。

8.In a release Monday, Sino-Forest said it bepeves the Muddy Waters Research report to be 'inaccurate, spurious and defamatory. '嘉汉林业在周一发布的新闻稿中说,它认为MuddyWatersResearch发布的报告“不准确,具有欺骗性和诽谤性”。

9.Instead he was beaten up and imprisoned on spurious charges and is now in hiding in fear for his pfe.出人意料的是,贝尼特先生受到了毒打,并因无端的指控而被监禁,现在则为了生存而躲避在恐惧中。

10.The main parts of the spurious signal contain: the error of phase calculation, extent error and nonpnearity of DAC.得到杂散信号的主要来源为:相位累加误差、幅度量化误差及数模转换器件(DAC)的非线性误差。