




1.氽 衄衄8 nv4 bleed at the nose,check in battle 汆汆9 cuan1 boil for a short time 栓栓6 shuan1 bottle stopper,wooden pin ...

3.窜啊 ... 戳啊( chuo a) 窜啊( cuan a) 佛靠( fo kao) ...

4.大家凑 [编纂 zuan3 攒钱[大家凑] cuan2 攒钱[自己存] zan3 ...

5.乔安 艾婷[ Adean] 乔安[ Cuan] 艾丝琳[ Ethpn] ...

6.尿酸性肾病 声)浮水上读作 tun3 声)水煮炸念作 cuan1 声)米 di2 ...


1."Japanese ghost" immediately loosened to open Zhang Guo Zhong, a throat of the Ao greatly pving ed Cuan toward the Xiao past.“日本鬼”立即松开了张国忠,嗷的一嗓子向肖大生蹿了过去。

2.Little Cuan: Nature of being amusing could be my epitaph.小窜:有趣可以当作我的墓志铭。

3.I need to be been returning to in front, but being come out by a snake Cuan to stun.我待要回前头,却被一条蛇蹿出来吓昏了。

4.Little Cuan: How could people perceive the existence of air?小窜:人们如何发现空气存在的?

5.Henceforth the Cuan clan ruled Yunnan for over four hundred years.此后大约四百年,云南一直处于爨族的统治之下。

6.Little Cuan: I don't think so. My young brother found the air before I did, yet we didn't know how to swim.小窜:不,我觉得不是。我弟弟就比我更早发现空气的存在,不是因为游泳。

7.In Chinese Calpgraphy officials have been on KangYouwei as "ancient stone is the first book, " Cuan Longyan landmark monument and Cuan-son;在中国书法上吏上有被康有为誉为“正书古石第一”的爨龙颜碑和爨宝子碑;

8.Qin " in August, Chu Cuan month " ;秦“八月,楚爨月”;