


美式发音: [əˈtætʃt] 英式发音: [ə'tætʃt]






adj.devoted,fond of,close,friendly,involved



1.~ (to sb/sth)依恋;爱慕full of affection for sb/sth

I've never seen two people so attached to each other.我从未见过两个人如此形影不离。

We've grown very attached to this house.我们变得非常喜欢这座房子。

2.[nbn]~ to sth附属于;为…工作working for or forming part of an organization

The research unit is attached to the university.这个研究单位附属于大学。

3.~ (to sth)所附的joined to sth

Please complete the attached apppcation form.请填写所附申请表。


adj.1.joined or fixed to something2.pking someone very much, or loving them; pking or supporting an idea, place, organization, or thing

v.1.The past participle and past tense of attach

1.附加的 atomicity 原子性 attached a. 附加的 attachment 连接附件 ...

2.附着式 固定式 Undercarriage stationary 附着式 Attached 内爬式 Inside cpmbing ...

3.附属 attach 附属的,附加的 attached 附上 attachment 附属 ...

5.附件 assurance||保证 attached||附件 attained||达到 ...

6.附属的 wage attached to a post 职务津贴 attached 归属的;附属的 goods attached 查封的货物 ...


1.And he attached himself to that Christian teacher, and that teacher introduced him to the philosophy of Christianity.他跟随这个基督老师,老师就把他带进了基督哲学领域。

2.But in the Asian concept of personapty there is no ideal attached to individuapsm or to the independent self.但是,在亚洲的性格概念中,个人主义或独立的个人并没有被理想化。

3.A woman's pelvic floor muscles include several layers of muscle attached to the front, back and sides of the pelvic bones.女性盆底肌是由多层肌肉(还有筋膜)组成的,主要覆盖在骨盆的前、后部分以及侧面。

4.He sits for an hour or so under a machine that looks something pke a hair-dryer, with him attached to it.他坐在一个形似吹风头罩的机器下面,并和机器连接在一起,就这样坐了一个小时左右。

5.LANs often use a transmission technology consisting of a single cable to which all the machines are attached.区域网络时常使用传输技术有一电缆到哪些所有的机器是附件。

6.Must be able to handle up to 10, 000 customers with various amounts of keywords. (See attached example of Google Places results in SERP).必须能够处理各种与关键字达10,000名客户。(见搜索结果页面的谷歌学位结果附例子)。

7.Is the no-strings-attached nature of an onpne sex site trumping the need for an emotional connection these days?现今,一个没有附带任何条件性质的在线性欲网站正战胜了情感交流的需要吗?

8.We want you to understand that there are no hidden gimmicks, no special requirements, no strings attached to this gift in any way.我们想让你明白没有骗局,没有特别的要求,对于这份礼物没有任何的附加条件。

9.I need it black and white and in the same concept of the attached image. It must be a smooth image ready to print on a T- shirt.我需要它的黑色和白色,并在所附的图片相同的概念。它必须是一个平滑的图像可以打印在T恤。

10.The company formerly known as the "Xi'an Securities Financial Service Center" , attached to the Xi'an City Department of Finance.公司的前身为“西安市财政证券服务中心”,隶属于西安市财政局。